Witchcraft V: Dance with the Devil
Witchcraft V: Dance with the Devil
R | 09 June 1993 (USA)
Witchcraft V: Dance with the Devil Trailers

An evil warlock takes over a rock club. He uses beautiful, large-breasted and frequently nude women to try to collect enough souls so that he may be able to bring Satan to Earth.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Platypuschow I'm in the process of binge watching the Witchcraft franchise and am fast starting to think this is the worst movie series of all time.Here in the 5th part we see the return of William the warlock, except now he's played by a different actor as I'm sure the last guy had enough.He's spellbound by a rival warlock who uses him to collect souls for satan, or something.With some of the worst overacting I've ever seen and sex/nudity in every other scene this really pushes for the title of worst Witchcraft movie. I'm not sure it is, but it's certainly on par.I'd recommend the Witchcraft franchise thus far to people who like *Ahem*, people who are into *Hmmmm* guys and gals I don't like? *Shrugs*The Good:Boobs, what? I'm a simple manThe Bad:SFX that hurt my brainAntagonist is hammy to ridiculous levelsCringe inducingDull plotThings I Learnt From This Movie:I didn't know Ronnie James Dio was a warlockPoor girl, her top keeps falling off
BA_Harrison The acting in the previous four Witchcraft films hasn't been anything to write home about, but David Huffman's turn as Satanist Cain in part five is the worst performance yet, every line delivered as though he were a pantomime villain. It's quite fitting, then, that he looks like a pantomime villain, with his long, receding hair, manic grin, wild eyes and silvery sequined cape; hell, in one scene he even appears on stage in a puff of smoke (oh no he doesn't! Oh yes he does!).Cain's dastardly mission is to collect enough souls to release Satan from Hell (or some such nonsense), and for this he enlists the help of big-breasted blonde Marta (Nicole Sassaman) and white warlock William Spanner (now played by Marklen Kennedy, Charles Solomon Jr. having wisely jumped ship). Under Cain's hypnotic power, William is sent to kill those who owe Cain a debt and harvest their life-force, all of which puts a strain on his relationship with big-breasted blonde Keli (Carolyn Taye-Loren).Though none are quite as terrible as Huffman, the acting throughout this chapter is pretty bad, the special effects are pathetic, and the direction by Talun Hsu is extremely poor, with even the frequent soft-core sex scenes proving rather tiresome. For the record, Marta has sex with William twice, William has a steamy romp in a leaky basement with his girlfriend, and some old, possessed dude bangs his personal assistant (who also happens to have big breasts).
Paynebyname I'm sure you've already read the plot so if you can look through the cheesy special effects and dreadful, monotonous music every time the bad girl gets it on it isn't bad. The chief warlock looks ridiculous and the bad girl can't act to save her life but she looks great in a see through nightdress so who's complaining.For me I'm a sucker for big natural boobs and the blonde bad girl has them and we get to see them. I don't watch these kind of films for the plot or comment on society so a pair of big, non fake breasts being squeezed and covered in sweat works every time. Some of the other girls aren't bad. A shower scene between the good guy and his girl is OK but she's got fake ones and thus not for me that sexy.
aaronzombie Lets just forget part 4 ever happened and say this film picks up after #3. This time lawyer Will Spanner(From parts 2-4.)is enslaved by evil warlock Kane who wants to open the gateway to Hell. Spanner's girlfriend and a few others try to help him resist this evil power, but at the cost of their own lives. Good story, and o.k. acting. *** out of *****.