| 30 October 1997 (USA)
Wintersleepers Trailers

Young blonde translator Rebecca lives with her boyfriend ski instructor Marco in a mountain villa owned by her friend, nurse Laura. Rene, local cinema projectionist, steals Marco's car and gets into a car crash with local Theo, whose daughter, after being in coma for a time, dies. Rene suffers from partial short term memory loss and starts a relationship with Laura. Meanwhile Marco is looking for the man who stole his car and Theo - for the man who killed his daughter...

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Clevercell Very disappointing...
ThiefHott Too much of everything
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Griffin Kobayashi (asusundevil) The cinematography and art direction of this film were absolutely gorgeous, but a series of "stuff that happened" doesn't constitute a plot. If anything, this film did an excellent job of making me think, "This is just about to pick up and really go somewhere for about two hours straight." It wasn't until the credits rolled that I shrugged and said, "Okay, when is this going to pick up and go somewhere?"All this talk of fate is garbage. If you're a film student who likes to look down your nose at people who expect a beginning, middle, and end to their movies or for a character's actions to be motivated by any kind of logic, fell free to check this out and cluck at those who point out all the flaws for "not getting it." If you're a fan of good movies, check out Tykwer's Heaven or Lola Rennt.
dvision23 I've seen a lot of films. And I'm drawn to this genre, usually. But this film was dull and torturous and definitely not innovative. The characters were each very unbelievable. Realizing I'm in the minority on this one, to the other reviewers, I'm glad it gave you some pleasure. I won't try to change your taste in movies. However, if you're over thirty, and understand the concept of needing to 'like' or identify with at least one character in a film to be moved by it, good luck. Don't say I didn't warn you. PS - one of the biggest DVD disappointments this year.CH 2/5
Mort-31 An absolutely stylish movie! If style is what counts for you, go watch it and start praising Tom Tykwer for his wonderful way of making movies. Tykwer has a respectable sense of colours and he is a master of conveying moods and a notion of drama to his audience. The reason why I do not like his movies is that there is nothing about them which gives them the right to be stylishly dramatic. The stories are simple and not particularly interesting but Tykwer makes us believe they are something special. The moment you realize this is not true marks a rather big disappointment. Winterschläfer has some greatly filmed scenes and pictures, particularly when it comes to combining the beautiful white snow with the very full colours of the characters' cars or clothes. But it's a real pity that these scenes and pictures appear in such a third-rate, meaningless film. The background bears no relation to the magnitude of the pictures. It's the same as with Tykwer's next movie, the world-wide blockbuster Run Lola Run.Admittedly, Tykwer has chosen good actors for this film. Some of them, like Josef Bierbichler, struggle with the terrible screenplay but others, especially Marie-Lou Sellem interprete it in a convincing and fascinating way.
TheVid Nice audio/visuals and good performances make this a watchable character study that's highly derivative of the more complex stuff by Canadian director Atom Egoyan (particularly THE SWEET HEREAFTER, as noted by many reviewers here). It's all rather contrived and simplistic to be significant intellectually, but it's decent enough adult melodrama to warrant a look.