Windjammer: The Voyage of the Christian Radich
Windjammer: The Voyage of the Christian Radich
| 08 April 1958 (USA)
Windjammer: The Voyage of the Christian Radich Trailers

Windjammer, the first presentation in CINEMIRACLE, is the record of a training cruise of the full-rigged S/S Christian Radich from Oslo across the Atlantic, through the Caribbean, to New York and back home again.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Superpanavision70 I have been looking forward to seeing this film for 20 years and got the opportunity to finally see it at the 60th anniversary of Cinerama festival at the Cinerama Dome in Hollywood. I definitely wanted to experience and like this movie. Although the recent restoration may look good on a TV screen, viewing it on a huge screen was extremely disheartening. Coming from a 35mm composite print, the picture was lackluster and considerably grainy and soft. Beyond the condition of the original elements, the film lacked any the "aaaahhhh" moments the Cinerama (Cinemiracle) process is able to provide. I know the film was made in the 50's but so were the other Cinerama travelogues. You do make have to make allowances for attitudes of the times these films were made along with the changes in filmmaking styles. Even so, WINDJAMMER in my opinion is painfully dull besides being dated. Unfortunately, this is one of the two Cinerama films being released in Blu-Ray and it is the most forgettable of the bunch.
cynthiahost This movie finally came out on d.v,d and Blu ray combo.Its good entertainment .Shot in a Cinerama process ,called cinema miracle,which was a bomb, It was converted to Cinerama .With the the smile box it actually gives you the impression you are at a Cinerama theater,in spite of a small screen. The Cinerama dome stage ,of Hollywood California on sunset, was digitally photographed and was removed except the curtains and inserted is the smile box of the film.What made this film a hit was the fact you could not take it seriously.No military discipline was portrayed in this film.Every cadet , man and boy, was having a good time even when they where doing their chores .That was a dead give way about this film.The only documentary about this film was the actual naval technician and some actual member of the merchant marines ,as well as the American navy volunteer in this film.The rest was nothing but one actor and the rest were extras .Unlike ,this is Cinerama,which was more of a documentary,this was nothing but big screen exploitation. De Rochemont,and his son ,who had replaced the original director, later on in the production,were nothing but exploitation film makers.They are compared to David Freedman,Krogers Babs .But ,like them ,these two filmmakers were Talented,It is a well done half documentary half exploitation film.The film has two main stars, Norway's start of film and t.v ,singer actor,Lasse Koldstad, who is portrayed as himself wanting to get experience on the Christine Radich, to become a Merchant marine, just in case the acting jobs fall lean?Sven Libaek,who was an extra mainly and was put in a more noticeable role,His mother would not let him be in the film unless Rochemont would allow him to take his piano lessons, when he was not doing a scene.This was also written into the script.He would become a music composer for t.v. later on.You know in real life this kid would of have to give up his piano lesson until he came back.This movie has irony.I'm sure Rochemont only offer the extras a trip , plus being seen in a movie, and food, that's it, sounds like Gypsy Rose lees mother.The documentary side?.all the entertainment parts of this film .The songs and dance numbers were staged .Lasse Kolstad sings,"Kari waits for me,"originally was going to be titled Barbra wait for me.That was his real fiancé,who shows up in the film.the break down real shows he and his fiancé's wedding,done outdoors.Sven plays with Arthur Fielders symphony orchestra ,in a piano Concert,another guest star.Pablo Pascal make a guest appearance too . Due to the small budget sadly it was too expensive to get the three strip negatives and prints ,which turned pink, to restore.They used a 35MM dupe Anamorphic print, from Pacific archive .Thids print was almost black and white.With bringing up the pixels brought back the colors, plus other added stuff.This print has been plays at the Cinerama dome in Cal. It's part of the 60th celebration of Cinerama ,up there.Now on d.v.d and Blu ray, you can now experience ,what the audience experienced,back in 1958,Irony!Good Irony.One of the few exploitation films to be shot in A Cinerama process.Well worth the extra 10 dollars you got to pay now . Available at Digital Alley and your favorite video store. 09/29/12 09/30/12 Boy! I made a mistake.Louis De Rochemont wasn't an exploitation film maker.He was a top Hollywood film maker.He did films for fox,Like house on 92 Street
John Steven Lasher Of all the documentary, so-called 'travelogue', films shot during that halcyon decade -- the 1950s -- when Cinerama, Cinemirace and the Soviet Kinopanorama took centre-stage at the world's cinemas, this beautifully wrought film stands alone! Simply put, it is heads-and-soldiers above the rest.Sadly, Cinemiracle, was a "one-off" release. Plans by Jack Warner to shoot their controversial film, "The Miracle", starring Carol Baker, were shelved due to the enormous cost of shooting in the three-film format. No other films were shot in the format. Cinerama, Inc., which purchased the Cinemiracle format and patents from National Theatres in 1960, promptly relegated the format -- superior in most respects to Cinerama -- to the dust-bin of cinema history.Attempts in recent years to restore the film with new colour prints and the original 7-channel soundtrack have come to naught, due to the high costs involved.The Kinopanorama producer-director, John Steven Lasher, stated in March, 2004, that he would gladly restore "Windjammer" before committing any funds, had they been available, to any of the Kinopanorama travelogues to which he has access.
gary-224 Windjammer, the visual story of a cruise on the Norwegian school ship Christian Radich, is one of my favorite all time films. It combines a variety of elements, especially the sea and Norway into a piece of extraordinary entertainment. I have the book from the movie and I have the music, but neither I nor anyone else, as far as I know, can ever see it again. It was produced as three films by three cameras and shown with three projectors as the process Cinemiracle. From what I have found out, the originals are destroyed. Whether they could have been combined onto one video tape is also questionable. But from this film I developed a great interest in Norway. Even though I do not have any Norwegian blood in me, I am a member of Sons of Norway. I have visited Norway but missed the Christian Radich which was out to sea. I have friends in Norway and I love Norway even when it is cold and gray. Hopefully I shall return to Norway, step aboard the Christian Radich, or maybe even ride it before the wind. Of all the films I loved not available for viewing, this is definitely the one I miss the most.
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