Wild Roomies
Wild Roomies
R | 01 January 2004 (USA)
Wild Roomies Trailers

After his last girlfriend slept with his last roommate, Reno Rizzolla moves to L.A. with his new girlfriend... and chaos ensues when the debt on the house forces him to get roommates.

TinsHeadline Touches You
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
peking_pup There seems to be quite a few comments on how bad this movie is.I can see how it won't appeal to a younger (people younger than 30's) audience who may feel that the "occasional" straying from your girl/guy is okay and understandable, so what's the big deal?I agree that the movie is slow and nothing much (or meaningful) happens until the "famous" ending. After watching it for about half an hour, I turned my attention to other things (computer, etc.) and didn't get back to the movie until at the ending. I picked it up again where Reno leaves for his out-of-town trip, and watched through to the end. I must say the ending disturbed me a lot - that is it made me really really sad. Reno and Holly had a potentially very good relationship, and obviously loved each other a lot (This shows even at the end when Holly was watching Reno being interviewed on TV in a bar - oh she was so sad) This ending raises a deeply philosophical question: Can one partner trust another after such an act? Even though I don't have a partner, I wondered after watching the movie how I would react if I were in Reno's shoes! Can one give up a potentially beautiful yet perhaps unlikely to be long-lasting relationship (one who strays once likely may stray again)? This movie failed because the producer did not know what audience he/she wants to, and therefore, target. It is - as some reviewers have said - not a comedy (particularly the ending). It does however - also as some reviewers said - have some funny moments. It has no nudity to attract male audiences, at least what I'd call nudity anyway. And certainly no "actions" - but then it is not intended to be an action movie.I only gave it a 7 because of the "deep" ending - as much as it left a big lump in my throat for a long time....
imdb-100-bwacher The biggest problem with this film was that it was marketed as a teen movie, fun-type film when in fact the movie had few comedic scenes and was more interesting from a human sexuality/emotional point of view. Great movie to watch with your partner but definitely not a feel-good film.Following is why I believe that the ending is the best part.******SPOILER FOLLOWS. DO NOT READ PAST HERE IF YOU INTEND TO WATCH THIS MOVIE ****** The reason that many people didn't like the ending was because it was so realistic and depicted the most likely ending given a similar situation in real life that it makes them too uncomfortable.Holly was indeed upset when she walked into the party, a complete wreck needing consolation. She walked in on her roommates having sex. Not only did they not stop having sex when she walked in but they then proceeded to console her and actively tried to seduce her at the same time. Given the fact that she was human, it would have been nearly impossible for Holly to not accept their advances. She was clearly infatuated with Chad from the beginning of the movie and the fact that Nicole (the other roomie) was also pursuing her boyfriend would have made the situation even more sexually appealing.While I wouldn't place any moral judgments on Reno (the cheated boyfriend) for breaking up with Holly after he finds out about the incident, I do think that the ending made it seem as if Reno was somehow morally superior because he was the person who was cheated on. In fact, Reno himself was seduced by the beautiful Nicole earlier in the movie and the only reason that they did not engage in oral sex was because they were inadvertently interrupted by Holly (even though she didn't catch them).The lesson I got from the film is that love is not sufficient to maintain a monogamous relationship. Perhaps Holly really did love Reno but she lusted Chad more than she lusted or even loved Reno. She engaged in oral sex with Chad even though she refused to do so with Reno even after his many playful pleadings.Holly and Reno clearly put themselves in a situation where they knew that their relationship would fail. Perhaps they got the ending that they both wanted.
gabriel_rossetto This must have been one of the worst movies I have ever seen. EVER. The characters are exaggerated to the point that they flaws become really annoying, the acting is sub par and the ending most definitely is the worst ever. I mean, they could at least make the characters stay in their roles through the end of the movie... the Girlfriend who was very reluctant to have oral sex with his future husband then gets to do a threesome with their 2 roommates when she was supposed to be enraged by their actions? WTF, where did this come from?I don't recommend this movie to anyone except... well, except no one. I just don't recommend it.
seagullbastard This is a typical college comedy and its very average. The story is OK but not very entertaining. Its about a unlucky guy named Reno who looses his job, gets his car ripped off and then his uncle dies in a stripbar. His got a girlfriend though (a nice one btw. :-). Anyway this uncle gives him his mansion in LA and mercedes as heritage and soon Reno and his girlfriend moves to LA to this new house. The problem is that they would need some roommates in order to pay the high rent for this house and so the film unfolds... The movie starts OK and has a few funny jokes here and there, but the suddenly the movie takes a turn straight down to hell... The ending is BAD. Really BAD. It destroys everything about the movie. You will know what I'm talking about when you see the movie...2/10