Wild Is the Wind
Wild Is the Wind
NR | 11 December 1957 (USA)
Wild Is the Wind Trailers

A widowed Nevada rancher goes to Italy and marries the sister of his deceased wife and brings her back to the ranch, but his haunting memories of his lost love and her tendency to drift away to other men cause the two to have a tough time at keeping a marriage together.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Steineded How sad is this?
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Coastal Cruiser (boogielight@hotmail.com) It was interesting to read through the two pages of reviews already in place as I put in my 2 cents worth. Quite a mixed review. There's a pace to this movie, a speed at which the story unfolds that is rarely seen in contemporary films. Seems we just don't have the patience anymore for such a natural unfolding.Make that a 1 cent contribution though. I don't have enough of a context to intelligently comment on this film beyond a thought or two. In a way, I see the points made by both the positive and detracting reviews. (The one thing I can say though, unequivocally, I love any movie or TV show shot on location! This one is. They didn't try to pull off a sheep ranch on a Hollywood back lot. Thus we get some nice spring vistas of the Eastern Sierras.)So anyway, just a couple of thoughts....1) I had never heard of Anna Magnani. She is a fine actress. She emotes so well through her face and body language she would have made a wonderful silent film era actress. She sure generates a lot of power in this movie. As a man, I would NOT want her character on my case! But I loved watching her torture someone else. (And of course she too was tortured. Women kind of don't like it when the husband calls them by the name of his first wife).2) There is a moment when she comes to Tony Franciosa's room... the first time she approaches him, as opposed to him approaching her. What was played very well here is the inevitability of the two of them connecting. Neither of them want this! But they are drawn to each other, and sooner or later... and it took a while here, in keeping with the pacing of the film... sooner or later, as long as the two of them lived on the same ranch, they were going to end up in bed. There was just no fighting it. It was as though they were marionettes, and the puppet masters had decided they would join together. And even though they each knew the consequences, they had no choice. You see it her face. That moment of surrender, when she accepted the inevitable fate.Oh man. I've been there. Have you been there? When you literally cannot stop yourself? This is the kind of love that Plato termed "a serious mental disease". aahhhhh.
eliene50 This is one of my favorite movies with Anna Magnani, Tony Franciosa and Tony Quinn. If you find this movie anywhere, PLEASE, let me know and I will do the same for you! I have requested it at Turner Classic Movies and on AMC where I saw it for the first time! I will keep scanning those websites and if they put it on DVD, I will let you know! Thanks! Glad to see that somebody else appreciates this movie for the value that is in it! To me it is priceless!This movie, in my opinion, is one of Anna Magnani's greatest works, along with a cast of the great Anthony Quinn and also great actor, Anthony Franciosa! I cannot wait until they put this movie on DVD! Thank You!
johnaquino I finally saw it too in a copy that appears to have been made from American Music Classics on cable at the time they were running movies uncut.It's a well-acted film. The plot recalls O'Neill's Desire Under the Elms (filmed in 1958) and Sidney Howard's They Knew What They Wanted (filmed in 1940 with Charles Laughton and musicalized by Frank Loesser in The Most Happy fellow in 1956)--older man, mail order bride, affair between wife and younger man.Very slow in the 1950s style but powerfully acted. Not the sort of film you'd expect from Cukor. Interesting facet to his career.Also interesting to compare this film and Secret of San Vittorio which re-united Magnani and Quinn after 12 years--older and maybe toned down just a notch, with the Irish/Mexican Quinn again playing an Italian.
cinders63 A sheep rancher (Anthony Quinn) marries his sister-in-law (Anna Magnani)from Italy, but she falls in love with his son instead. A slow-moving, over-acted melodrama with no surprises. It earned an Oscar nomination for the title song.
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