Wild Horse Valley
Wild Horse Valley
NR | 13 March 1940 (USA)
Wild Horse Valley Trailers

Bob Evans' Arabian stallion is stolen and Bob, with his friend Shag Williams starts on the trail that takes them to the horse ranch owned by Kimball and his daughter Ann, where the stallion is running wild. Baker, the ranch's crooked foreman, is utilizing the stallion as a decoy and, with his henchmen, Raymer and Winton, corrals the mares that follow the stallion in a hidden corral, intending to sell them across the state line.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
alan-pratt Veteran bad guys, Ted Adams, Bud Osborne and George Chesebro, are stealing dufferish old Lafe McKee's mares and blaming handsome white stallion, Pirate, for leading them away. Are we really expected to believe that a rancher of his vast experience would not notice that the fence was cut using wire cutters?Veteran good guy, Bob Steele,sets out to find the missing horses, expose the crooks and woo McKee's pretty daughter, Phyllis Adair. Comic Sidekick James Aubrey pulls faces and talks about his rheumatism.Just about OK "B" western but nothing more. The Alpha print is a particularly nice one and the sound is crisp which probably makes it a lot more watchable than it otherwise would be. Bob Steele has done better!