Where There's Life
Where There's Life
| 21 November 1947 (USA)
Where There's Life Trailers

In a far off country, their king is critically wounded after an assassination attempt and the only heir is a timid New York radio personality, Michael Valentine (Bob Hope). After reluctantly traveling to his father's homeland, Michael is not happy that he's become the target of the same terrorist organization that attacked the king.

Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
ksf-2 Only two hundred votes for this so far... Turner Classics must not show this one very often. Bob Hope is "Michael Valentine", who happens to be the sole heir to the throne of Barovia. When the king is knocked off, the country officials kidnap Valentine to bring him back to Barovia. Of course, this will interfere with his wedding plans. It's the usual combination of Hope's ongong one-liners and physical gags, as he tries to escape so he can get married. William Bendix is the other big name here... he is the girlfriend's big brother, who has hated Valentine all along. The usual mix-ups, mis-understandings, and running around the mulberry bush. Dead bodies that appear and disappear. Bob Hope made this one right in the middle of all the "Road to " films. Of course there's a dig at Bing Crosby as they run past a poster of Crosby. Also the ending felt a little confusing and tacked on; they could have ended the film about 5 minutes earlier and it would have made more sense. Signe Hasso co-stars as the blonde general from Barovia. It's a fine performance by everyone. The writing isn't as clever as some of the other Hope films, but it's acceptable entertainment. Directed by Sidney Lanfield, who had directed SIX films with Hope. Writer Shavelson had been nominated for two Oscars. This is part of a double DVD with Monsieur Beaucaire from Universal.
Fuzzy Wuzzy I guess in order to fully appreciate the likes of Bob Hope as a comedian (and admit that he's a funny guy), it all comes down to something of an acquired taste. But, with that said, even after seeing him in a number of films, I still haven't come anywhere near to acquiring that taste of total appreciation for this dude.To me, Bob Hope, far too often, comes across as being one of the driest, most bland, and most unfunny comics of his era. In fact, there are moments when Hope's screen-persona gives me the creeps, big-time, especially when his character is required (amongst other things) to be a hot-blooded lover-boy type to some semi-smouldering babe.From my point of view, Hope's apparent male-magnetism and believability as a virile specimen of raw manhood registers (on a scale of 1-10) at about 2. And 2 is also about the very same position where Hope's appeal as an all-round comic seems to sit, as well.In "Where There's Life", Hope is radio personality, Michael Valentine, on WKDC in New York.Valentine soon finds out (in a roundabout way) that he is the long-lost heir to the throne of the mythical kingdom of Borovia. This, in turn, makes him a target of spies, kidnapping, and death plots, as well as the desire of not one, but two, very determined women. (You go figure)
Jay Raskin Bob Hope is always a wonderful comedian, but he has to work with a few handicaps here. First, there's a predictable and mundane script with a plot more fit for the Three Stooges than Hope. Second, the production values look awfully cheap. This looks more like Republic Pictures than Paramount. Third, co-star Signe Hasso is listless and grim, and has no chemistry with Hope at all. She is also saddled with a ridiculous and silly hairstyle. The only memorable delight in the film is William Bendix as a N.Y.City cop. His delivery of his signature line, "What a revolting development this is," is the funniest laugh in the movie. At 75 minutes, the film zips by and is pleasant enough, but not nearly as much fun as "Monsieur Beaucaire," "Paleface" or any of the Road pictures.
luckybob1985 Here we find Bob Hope in a quite unusual role, as royalty! (He's been everything else, right?) A glamorous General Grimovich tries to convince Michael Valentine that he is the prince of Barovia and must ascend the throne temporarily until they hold their first democratic election. If he doesn't, an evil organization called the "Mordia" will take over the country. A rather involved plot for a Hope movie, but he still shines bright! Great performance by William Bendix in this one as well.