When Harry Tries to Marry
When Harry Tries to Marry
| 22 April 2011 (USA)
When Harry Tries to Marry Trailers

An Indian-American surprises his family when he announces his desire for an arranged marriage with an Indian woman, though his affection for a longtime American friend complicate his plan.

Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
spimpernel My hopes were too high for what this movie delivered. The acting was pretty good, but the movie starts to fall apart just as the plot speeds up. I blame both the script and the directing. See, the problem is that Harry doesn't know what he wants. And he's too chicken to pursue girls on his own, so he outsources the task by having an arranged marriage, except he does it under the pretext of ensuring lasting marital happiness. And then he chickens out of that too (but not before what might be the Indian wedding equivalent of saying "I do"). So here's the real spoiler and shame of the film: he's got an Indian girl ready to marry him and an American girl ready to date him...but he ends up single in the end, for reasons that are a mystery to me (and probably the two girls). I have a feeling the sequel will be Harry as The Indian 40-yr-old Virgin.
MartinHafer Harry is a handsome and very nice Indian-American geek. He is lonely and would like to marry, but is afraid to marry a woman in the traditional western way. His Indian parents married for love and now hate each other. But, all the Indians Harry knows with arranged marriages seem very happy. So, he decides to call an uncle back in India and see if he can find him a bride.In the meantime, Harry and his friend meet a couple nice American girls at the same college. They spend a lot of time together and VERY soon it's obvious that Harry and Theresa are falling in love....and Harry's uncle calls to say he's found the perfect match for him. The Indian bride-to-be is very, very much like Harry. So what will happen next? Romantic comedies are predictable. This is NOT meant as an insult. The viewer knows that the two main characters will get together by the end of the film--it's just the nature of the beast. How they do this is what makes the films sweet--and why people come back to them again and again. And, incidentally, romance novels outsell all other genres. So the fact that "When Harry Tries to Marry" is very predictable isn't a bad thing. However, for a really good rom-com, there is one thing this one misses--it should not be 100% obvious to the characters that they will get together by the end of the film. After a short time, it's OBVIOUS that there is a serious love connection between Harry and Theresa--so obvious and yet they never talk about it and avoid it through much of the film...too obvious. And, on top of this, they are well-educated and supposedly smart people. Now this does not mean it's a bad film--I just think the love between the two of them should have either been much more subtle or bloomed much later in the film.Despite this, the film still is quite nice--especially when you consider that the movie was made by a novice director. Currently it has an IMDb score of only 3.5--which would make you think it's a terrible movie--which it isn't. While I am not as excited about the film as the other reviewers, it is a very good film. VERY predictable (even for a rom-com) but still well worth your time (though the scene with the water at the end could have been done better).It is interesting that this is yet another film by a westernized Indian director (Nayan Padrai)--in his first film. Mira Nair, Gurinder Chadha and Deepa Mehta are Indian women who make similar hybrid films--showing the clash between traditional and western values and cultures. And, all make very well-made films and you really should try to catch as many of their films as you can (especially Mehta's). These films are a nice bridge between the Bollywood (or Tamilwood) style and western films--and make a nice introduction to the genre.
ilana-rochkin I'm big into independent films so I'd been following the development of this movie since my friend saw it in Austin and told me about it. I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed it. If you take it for what it is- a lighthearted romantic comedy- you should walk away feeling like it was time well spent. It's shot beautifully, the colors are really nice and I loved a lot of the music. It starts off a little slow but by the middle of it, I found myself engrossed. Some of the acting was a little so so but I loved the supporting characters, especially the parents! It was also nice to see a romantic comedy from the guy's perspective for once...gives us a break from the stereotypical mopey girl- let the guy mope for once.
deesinha It's a great movie for teens, young adults and anyone young at heart who wants to see a fun romantic comedy. This movie is wonderful because it gives a chance to new comers and allows them to show their talent on the big screen. Now a days, movies on the big screen use the same actors and actresses until we are all tired of watching them. This is a fresh movie which is written by new comers, directed by a new comer and acted by new comers. It shows that a dream with hard work and persistence can come true. I applaud all the people involved in making this movie. It is another example of how this country is great and anyone can make their dreams come true. Go see it.