When Animals Dream
When Animals Dream
| 12 June 2014 (USA)
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The young woman, Marie, is an outsider in the small coastal community where she has grown up. The townspeople live in fear of her and not least her mother, who is wheelchair bound, suffering from a mysterious illness. When Marie discovers her body changing – long hair growing on her chest and back – she begins searching for answers concerning her family’s hidden past. Something that will have great consequences for herself and her family – and the choices she has to make.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Ivana Sky If you appreciate the visual, pure beauty of it - this one is for You.The story itself is OK, nothing spectacular (better told in 'The Uninvited' (2009),) developing through beautiful scenery while depicting character's actions the most, the story doesn't relay on the conversation - it's the weak point and the strong one, depends how you look at it... I love it for what it is - a piece of art, trying to tell the story within, with more or less success. Still way better than most of the movies today ;) Just go with the flow and enjoy, don't expect any revelations, that's not what this movie is about.It is so easy to talk about all the bad and disregard the good, as it is in life. I guess, it comes down to what kind of person you are. I assure you - this movie still has a lot of great things to offer, as long as you don't expect to see what it is not there to begin with. Not many movies are that way, these days. It all comes down to a personal level of finding and appreciating the beauty presented, in front of you. Not about your expectations, the whole story you wanna see in each and every detail. Just get over it and enjoy it for what it is, cause it's pretty great ;)
Que no me toque un alto delante A twist to a theme already seen many times, but is an original contribution. Through concise and fair dialogue, we can see a clear intention not to give everything chewed to the viewer, not explaining everything that happens (which came out very well in my opinion).The lead actress does a fine job. Perhaps a rewriting of the myth of the werewolf, perhaps a metaphor for the animal in us, maybe a social critique to the aggression that the horde develops when something is different and frightens us. Probably all that together. I liked the point made by the father/mother and father/daughter relationship in the context of the situation they are living. Either way, it's a movie with original features, beautifully set in a rural town in Denmark, and with decent special effects.
JvH48 Saw this at the Film Fest Ghent 2014. Combined several nice ideas derived from the Horror genre, thereby avoiding an abundance of blood and gore that gave the genre a bad name. Only a handful of people died in the process, at times where the story needed it and where we like to see "bad" people punished for their deeds. It was nowhere over-the-top frightening, so actually more Drama than Horror.A good-looking adolescent girl Marie with hidden were­wolf genes plays the leading part in this movie. She has a mother who is constantly drugged for initially unknown reasons, and a father who tries to suppress the inevitable that he sees coming. And the villagers keep them constantly under watch for reasons that become clear later on.The effect of the hidden genes become more and more apparent. Meanwhile the whole village assumes that Marie will develop the same symptoms as her mother, and eventually has to be kept semi-conscious too. Father and daughter play their respective roles very well, and their dilemma's and compromises become very clear. Though less prominent, the same can also be said about the villagers, mostly colleague workers in the fish factory where she starts a new job.Not a lot of action in view yet not boring throughout all of the 84 minutes running time. The werewolf theme and its positioning in the village seems interesting, but could possibly have been exploited more fully. Nevertheless, we should encourage movies like these that do not make spilling blood and causing bodily harm to their primary goal. It is more important to create a loaded atmosphere around a phenomenon that we don't fully understand, with potential very dangerous repercussions when it would turn against us. The latter need not be a danger for everyone, as we see in this movie where most good people are left unharmed. Of course, we have no problems when a few bad people get what they deserve, which is precisely what happens here as well.
Red_Identity Wow. What a pleasant surprise. Carefully-paced, artfully composed with some beautiful cinematography and direction, and some strong acting. The fact that it's the director's feature film debut is highly impressive, and it actually reminds me of Let The Right One In in some aspects. It's definitely a horror film, but definitely a coming-of-age drama in other ways. Definitely recommend this little gem, and further proof that 2014 was actually a good year for horror (among others like Under The Skin, Coherence, The Babadook, Honeymoon). I hope people try to seek this one out because it's definitely worth the time to, especially among sure dire horrors these days.