What If God Were the Sun?
What If God Were the Sun?
NR | 14 May 2007 (USA)
What If God Were the Sun? Trailers

A grieving nurse finds comfort and inspiration in her new assignment, where she meets a terminally ill woman with a quick with and strong faith.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Julia Bailey What a load of rubbish. I watched it through to the end from the pure fascination of wondering how much worse it could get.A nurse (and I am trained as such) would not be allowed to do many of the features portrayed.For example plunging a needle into the heart muscle.Perhaps this is not the case in America or wherever the film was made.If so - God help any patient under that nurse's care.Probably should have been given more time off to get her head together - probably in a psychiatric ward! I hope I don't have to struggle for more words to get this review published.What a load of garbage.Or don't you accept anything that is not favourable?
FitzFitzBangBang If you are a newcomer to Lifetime movies and "What If God Were The Sun" was your first Lifetime movie, then you will become hooked. More often than not, Lifetime movies mirror themselves and are predictable to say the least. This movie, however, is a flawless work of art. Stephen Tolkin took a great leap forward in presentation for Lifetime movies, not to mention the gripping performances by Lacey Chabert and Gena Rowlands. I don't mean to specify excessively but the bulk of the power of this film came from Lacey Chabert's eyes. For the entirety of the film her eyes dominated the screen evoking intensely deep feelings. She was right on the mark with her performance, a feat I wasn't sure she could accomplish.The writing was exactly what it needed to be: an opportunity for the actors to perform well. Lacey Chabert delivered and Gena Rowland's Melissa was truly a character that the audience was able to feel for.Hands down a perfect ten. It was truly a magical watch.
xredgarnetx SUN would appear to be two movies sort of at odds with each other. One is a tale of love's redemption that revolves around the growing affection between an emotionally distraught nurse (Chabert) and her charge, a never-say-die elderly woman (Rowlands) racked with cancer. The other is a ghost story, more or less, as the nurse tries to deal with the murder of her father, a community activist killed by members of the community. Now, without knowing the novel, I would say someone decided to throw a little GHOST WHISPERER into this otherwise straightforward tale of love and compassion. Reason? Chabert played GW star Jen Hewitt's sister on PARTY OF FIVE and also did a spot-on imitation of Hewitt in a recent, spoofy remake of an '80s romantic comedy that stared Hewitt, plus Chabert has even appeared on GW as a guest star with ties to Hewitt. Chabert looks and acts just like Hewitt, only better, and is just as pretty and big-busted. My wife stopped to watch the movie because at first she thought Chabert was Hewitt! Make no mistake: This is a chick flick with no redeeming qualities for the guys. But Chabert is a terrific little actress I happen to admire, and Rowlands is a past master of these roles. She has in fact played this same sort of role in at least two other movies. The ghost angle amounts to little, by the way, and could just as easily have been discarded.
kinnypat Did you ever cry in a movie so hard that people walked into the room and thought something terrible just happened to you? That's me at the end of watching this movie. But sometimes in the movie it was really happy too--and the acting was so amazing, Lacy (sp?)Chabert is like my favorite favorite favorite now--she was so real--I felt like I was watching somebody just going through stuff and not like they were in a movie. It made me think about all the happiness and sadness in life and how you have to try to make every day of your life a great day like Gena Rowland's character does in the movie. My mom loved it too, she was crying as hard as I was, we ran out of Kleenex half way through the movie. And I SWEAR my brother was crying too but if he saw that I wrote this he would kill me. THANK YOU LIFETIME!