Weekend with the Babysitter
Weekend with the Babysitter
R | 28 August 1970 (USA)
Weekend with the Babysitter Trailers

A middle-aged husband falls for his childrens' teenaged babysitter.

Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Uriah43 "Jim Carlton" (George E. Carey) is a film director who is working on a modern film but is out-of-date as far as the cultural lingo is concerned. As luck would have it Jim's wife "Mona Carlton" (Luanne Roberts) has called for a babysitter that night by accident. Once the babysitter, "Candy Wilson" (Susan Romen) arrives Mona tells her husband that she is going away to see her mother which leaves Jim and Candy by themselves. It's at this time that Candy reads the script for the film and tells Jim that the slang needs updated and offers to take him to a hip nightclub. One thing leads to another and soon Jim and Candy end up sleeping together. Meanwhile, Mona has found herself in a bit of trouble because rather than going to her mother's house she has ventured to see a drug dealer named "Rich Harris" (James Almanzar) because she is in dire need of some heroin, Yet even though she pays him the exorbitant price he has asked for he wants even more. And because of her condition she is in no position to argue. Now rather than reveal any more of this movie and risk spoiling it for those who haven't seen it I will just say that this movie bears a remarkable similarity to "The Babysitter" which was produced a year earlier. For example, George E. Carey starred in the lead role as the man seduced by the babysitter in both movies. Likewise, the name of the babysitter in both films was "Candy Wilson" played by Patricia Wymer in the first and the aforementioned Susan Romen here. However the plot is more dual-edged in this particular movie with half of the focus being on Mona Carlton's predicament. On the other hand, although Susan Romen performed in a solid manner she wasn't quite as sensational as Patricia Wymer. On another note, while the scenarios were definitely dated they managed to entertain for the most part. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for the ending which was more than a little corny. That said, even though I enjoyed it I must admit that this movie isn't for everybody and it will probably only appeal to those who like this particular sub-genre and were alive during this strange period in time. Be that as it may I rate this movie as about average.
Michael_Elliott Weekend with the Babysitter (1971) * (out of 4) A hot shot director (George E. Carey) has a fight with his wife who then runs away with their young son. The babysitter Candy (Susan Romen) ends up coming over and gets offended by a screenplay he's about to do. To set him straight, the babysitter takes the director to hang out with her hippie friends and later the two have sex. While all of this is going on the wife has been kidnapped by her drug dealer. Yeah. As you can tell, part of this film plays out like a remake of the 1969 film The Babysitter as this features the same production company, director, actor and even the babysitter's name is the same. While that film worked this one here is a complete and utter disaster, which has perhaps one good scenes but the rest of the movie should be thrown in the toilet, although I'm sure even the toilet would try to spit it out. We basically get the exact same story as the previous film but this time out for some reason they tried to deliver an action movie, which is just downright stupid. This was obviously shot on a low budget so all the action scenes look incredibly bad and they really don't make any sense. The mean drug dealers are all fools and you hate the wife so much you really don't care what happens to her. The one decent scene is when the hippies are trying to explain to the old man how to smoke grass. His reactions to what he's being told is pretty priceless. Stone is a tad bit better here than he was in the 1969 film but that's still not saying too much. The biggest problem is with Romen who just doesn't work as Candy. She doesn't have any of the charm that the other film had and she just comes off rather bland.
caspian1978 The babysitter fantasy is present in this early 1970 classic flick. A classic in its own right, Weekend with the Babysitter captured everything that was true about the 1970's. Let me explain. From the clothes, the music, the drugs, the parties, and the generation. Susan Romen is perfect as a 70's teenager who is just one of many girls of her generation who is playing with rebellion. Her beautiful innocents leads her into seducing a married man and making him see how much he truly loves his wife. Worth the 4 dollar rental fee....check it out.
Jack Flash Annik Borel is wonderful. Some of her best nude scenes are in this film, and her acting is brilliant. I bought this film solely because she was in it, but if I'd known how good the film was I might have bought it anyway. The fairly mediocre acting of the rest of the cast is made up for and more by Annik's usual perfection.
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