Wedding Palace
Wedding Palace
NR | 27 September 2013 (USA)
Wedding Palace Trailers

After being abandoned at the altar, Jason courts the girl of his dreams on the Internet. When she arrives in Los Angeles for their wedding, there's an unexpected surprise.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Aristides-2 I'm in an almost hallucinatory state as I write this. Is it remotely possible that the five existing favorable reviews (as of 5/15/16) were based on a different version of "Wedding Palace" than the one I just saw? For in the bit of surrealism I watched the 'good' character arriving in L.A. to get married, Na Young, was a well proportioned but abnormally, repeat abnormally short person. In Seoul however, where the the man Jason first laid eyes on her, and where he spent face-to-face time with her on a date, she was shown to be a normal sized woman. Figuratively as well as literally this bit of poetic license is unbelievable and should come with the warning: The character Na Young is filmed sitting on 3 pre-cell phone era Manhattan directories.
Fortune_Sparkles I thought this movie was a hoot. I watched it one Saturday afternoon on Amazon Prime. I had never heard of it but read the description and the rating was OK; so I gave it a try. It has become one of my favorite movies. It is a romantic comedy that you never see coming. I like movies with a twist and the director/producer pull it off. I had never heard of most of the actors in this film but they were all excellent. Margaret Cho is in this but her character plays a small part and not really that funny. Don't get me wrong; her part and acting are not bad. It just not a large part of the movie. But all in all a Great Film.The acting and cinematography were both great. Two thumbs up!
Batya1954 While I like complex, intricate thrillers and deep thinking movies as well as the next gal, lately I find a shortage of light and really funny romantic comedies. Many of the things listed as comedies have people dying, facing serious illnesses, or other tragic events. This is just gosh-darn funny! Margaret Cho and Bobby Lee are hilarious and the plot is cute. If you are in the mood for light fare, this is for you.By the way, although it takes place in the Korean community, it is in English and whatever few places people speak Korean, the subtitles are easy to read, even for an old chick like me. Enjoy!
Lora Mao This movie was thoroughly entertaining. I could not stop watching. I wanted to see what was going to happen next. It stars several of my favorite comedians--Bobby Lee, Margaret Cho, and some favorite actors like Kelvin Han Yee and Brian Tee. The movie starts out with the family thinking the young toddler would die before the age of 30 unless he found a bride and got married. After a failed try, he heads for South Korea to work on an advertising campaign. He meets the woman of his dreams at the meeting, and then again at a karaoke bar. He goes back home and keeps up an internet relationship with her. He eventually proposes and she comes to USA to get married.When she arrives, he finds out she isn't what he expected. I won't spoil it here for you. You will have to watch to find out what happens. The movie is full of surprises and laughs. Christine Yoo did a fabulous job directing this movie. It's one of those movies that are fun to see over and over.