Warsaw 44
Warsaw 44
| 30 July 2014 (USA)
Warsaw 44 Trailers

City of Warsaw, Poland, August 1st, 1944. Citizens have experienced inhuman acts of terror and violence during five long years of Nazi occupation. As the Soviet Army relentlessly approaches, the youngest and bravest among them rise up as one and face tyranny fighting street by street, but the price to pay will be high and hard the way to freedom…

BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
jozii89 This is a VERY well made film, and refreshingly so from a production that is not American. The visual effects are amazing and in my opinion do NOT take away from the emotions of the actual story.I doubt the tragic history of Warsaw has ever been this brutally and realistically portrayed. One of the best WWII movies out there. It has found the balance between using cool and bloody visuals and slow-mo effects without making it so over the top that it becomes a pure action movie.What makes me give 9 instead of 10 stars is the storyline, which even though great and not too cliché does lack something. I can't really pinpoint what it is.But overall, this is a brilliant historical drama!
agnieszka-grabarz2 I don't often watch Polish films but I have to admit that this one was worth my while. From the talented young actors to the music to the special effects, the film sticks in your mind. The plot was less realistic than originally expected but nevertheless manages to successfully and accurately portray the Warsaw uprising of 1944 with extraordinary attention to detail. However, I must add that a few of the scenes were so unrealistic and cringe worthy that I had to turn away (Yes, I'm talking about the infamous kissing scene were the bullets simply fly around the characters while they share a passionate kiss (complete with slow motion effects) making the whole scene almost funny, bearing in mind the fact that they were being shot at). On the other hand I understand and appreciate the directors 'artistic approach'. The acting, in my opinion, was spot-on. The raw emotions in some of the scenes were almost tear jerking. Especially with the benefit of hindsight and knowledge that this film was based on actual events. Several quotes stuck with me (e.g. "These are my people..." "These kids?" because let's face it, that's what they all really were. This really does grab you by the throat as a viewer , knowing all the terrors those young people experienced). It was quite an eye opener. The film set is amazing. As previously mentioned, the attention to detail is wonderful. From the costumes to the props and scenery. The music choices created a wonderful link between tradition/the history and modern times resulting in a fantastic mix of the two. All in all, I was pleased and well-satisfied with the film (despite the weak-ish ending). Everything from the acting to the general mise-en-scene contributes to the final (spectacular) effect this film has on the viewer. I highly recommend watching this film. 130 minutes well spent.
mkrzyz If I can summary this movie I would have to do that in two category:Historical accuracy - 10/10 Story and emotional roller-coaster - 9/10This film is a short introduction to the real history of Poland. It speaks through the the young people whose real live in Warsaw between the end of July 1944 and the beginning of October 1944 looked exactly how it was shown in the movie. Absolutely amazing accuracy of the depicting of some events and episodes of the Warsaw Uprising 1944. If you think it's exaggeration, IT'S NOT (even the scene with blood and humans' remains falling out of the sky is authentic)!!I know the famous scene with the kiss looks strange from first view, but this is 'ars poetica', it was (and it's) to show what's going on in the hearts of those young and inexperienced people.What film is not - it's not documentary movie and above all, it's not another fake-story Hollywood-like movie (see e.g. absurd and actually stupid series of war movies with Brad Pitt).I could not sleep after watching of this film and there were many like me. I don't think there is a normal person who would see this movie (knowing that the story inside is the real depict of real events) without any emotional reactions. I really recommend it. YOU MUST SEE IT !!!
jp-445 There are much better films about world war two events. This movie combines some historical information with an improbable love triangle and battle scenes with matrix-like visual effects. The sound is fine, camera work is good and the visual effects are competent, but taste is lacking in the way it was all put together. The scene where the protagonist first meets his main girl is very weak. The scene of their first kiss is ridiculous. For some unexplained reason, the main girl goes off on a walk, in the middle of a battle zone. The protagonist sees that there are Germans nearby and instead of shooting at the Germans from his vantage point or telling his mates that there is a problem, he goes after the girl, saves her from a bullet and when they kiss, rockets and anti-aircraft bullets suddenly fly around like it was Vietnam.It's probably good enough for mass markets accustomed to Hollywood blockbusters, but it's not a good film.