Warriors of Virtue: The Return to Tao
Warriors of Virtue: The Return to Tao
PG | 22 October 2002 (USA)
Warriors of Virtue: The Return to Tao Trailers

Warriors of Virtue: The Return to Tao (set a few years after the original film) sees a new villain, Dogon, seize control of Tao, a parallel universe forming the film's major setting. On Earth, 12–year–old Ryan and his friend Chucky arrive at a martial arts competition in Beijing, whereupon they are unexpectedly taken to Tao. There, it is shown that they are to become Warriors of Virtue.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
paikia I've been reading the other reviews this movie received, and it looks like the major negatives the reviewers have mentioned are only relevant in comparison to the previous movie on the series. While I haven't watched the first movie yet (haven't had the chance), I obviously don't share those reviewers' perspective.In fact, I kind of liked this movie. Sure, it's obviously a low-budget movie, the visual effects are decent, at best, but it has a nice story, good acting (for the most part, at least), and a really nice soundtrack, in my opinion, which I consider an important part of any movie or TV show.While this movie is not for everyone, I would recommend it to any real fans of the fantasy genre. I know I am one, and I definitely enjoyed the movie.By the way, when you watch the movie, make sure you wait until after the ending credits for another short yet funny scene. :)
Chulse-88 I was one of the few people whom loved the first movies with its action and fantasy driven story. The Warrior of Virtues was a staple of my childhood so, when I heard about a sequel I couldn't wait to return to the nostalgic feel of the past with the sequel. However, I was disappointed beyond measures. Everything that made the first movie great was completely and utterly took out back and shot to death. The costumes, writing, weapons and acting were the worst in a long line of bad movies. Trust me when I say bad movies because I make a habit of watching bad movies. The sequel should have never been made and the score for this movies should be lower than the original and in the bottom 100 on IMDb. I wish to whatever God is out there that I could unwatched this forsaken movie.
Khimaera Tia I loved the first movie, adored it in fact even though so very few of my friends actually knew the movie I was talking about. I have always held the first movie close to my heart so when I saw that there was a sequel I thought "Wow, that is awesome. How did I not hear about this?" Unfortunately after seeing the movie there is so much that they...changed. There were no more Roos which separated the Warriors from the rest of the citizens. The storyline was very weak, weak to the point of being predictable and far less than the first movie. Overall it was a very sad return to a wonderful story and just another attempt to cash in on the franchise while completely changing some of the very things that made the story unique. Are costumes and make up really that expensive? A 2 out of 10...and a movie I will not watch again.
Nafiz I enjoyed the first film in this series, but i was a little disappointed with this one. Firstly there are no Kangaroos, they have all changed into real people. Also the storyline is a bit poor, with pretty much the same story as the first one. The martial arts are ok in this film, but some parts seemed poorly done.Overall i was disappointed with this film as i was looking forward to the fantasy that the first one had. This one just isnt the same. Overall i give it a 5/10.