Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale - Part 1: The Sun Flag
Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale - Part 1: The Sun Flag
| 09 September 2011 (USA)
Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale - Part 1: The Sun Flag Trailers

An indigenous clan-based people living in harmony with nature find their way of life threatened when violent interlopers from another culture arrive, intent on seizing their natural resources and enslaving them. Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale - Part 1: The Sun Flag is Part one of the two-part, four-hour Taiwanese edition of the film Warriors of the Rainbow.

Wordiezett So much average
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Tom Dooley Japan took possession of Taiwan from China when it was ceded to them after China's Qing Dynasty lost the first Sino Japanese war of 1884 – 1885 and we first pick the story up there. The Japanese were a more controlling Colonial force and did not tolerate aboriginals such as the Seediq and called them 'Seiban' or 'barbarians' and treated them as inferiors. They ruled harshly and built up resentments that led to a number of insurrections that led to The Wushe Incident of 1930 that is the central point of this film.The indigenous tribes had also fought one another over hunting grounds and other causes for centuries and the divisions that this caused are exemplified here and indeed how the Japanese exploited such to turn tribes against each other. The chief of the Seediq was Mouna Rudau and he ha tried appeasement but one slight too many pushed him to seek to join the tribes together and make a stand against the vastly better equipped Japanese. Once the die was cast they had all foreseen where it would end.Now this film sticks to the documented facts extremely well, the acting is all excellent and there is a ton of action. It was made in 2011 but some of the CGI is a bit obvious. Despite that this will bring you along for a great roller coaster ride of action. The fight scenes are all done extremely well and when people get hurt they really are hurt. This is a great tribute to the culture of the Seediq and their allies and to a part of history that we have not heard much about. It is also the sort of film you could easily watch again. In aboriginal, Japanese and Hokkien with pretty good subtitles and a run time of just over two and a half hours – every second of which is put to good use – completely recommended.
Leofwine_draca WARRIORS OF THE RAINBOW: SEEDIQ BALE is a home-grown historical action epic from Taiwan, featuring the story of an Aboriginal tribe who rise up against their Japanese oppressors during the early 20th century. It starts off on a rather dodgy note, asking the viewer to be interested in and accept as protagonist a man, Mona Rudao, who is introduced to the viewer when he kills and steals from some innocent tribesmen. Thankfully things then jump forward twenty years or so, and it all becomes straightforward.The first thing to note is that I saw the international cut of this film, in which two parts are condensed down into one whole. While I enjoyed it on a superficial level, I have to say that there were too many problems with it for me to want to seek out the full version. The main issue I had is that the main tribe of characters are completely unsympathetic. They're headhunters, and when the Japanese describe them as 'savages' you tend to agree with them. I'm afraid I was on the side of the Japanese throughout in this one.Elsewhere, the film is ridiculously one-sided in showing the Japanese to be a cowardly and easily-beaten foe, except when the text comes up at the end you see that things were completely different to the fantasy portrayed here. I did like the look of the film, although it's variously influenced by the likes of APOCALYPTO, LAST OF THE MOHICANS, BRAVEHEART, THE LAST SAMURAI, and BANG RAJAN, without ever quite giving the viewer a flavour of its own.The action is quite well done, however, although marred by cheap CGI as is the case with so many eastern films these days. The scene in which the tribe rises up to attack the Japanese garrison is the highlight, really bloodthirsty and hair-raising stuff. But in the end, the lack of likable characters and the sheer ridiculousness of some moments (like the bratty kid running amok with the heavy weaponry) stopped me enjoying it too much.
SpannersGerm669 The Warriors of the Rainbow takes on a story of a fight for freedom when Taiwan were getting rid of the Japanese occupation. What sets up as a classic, comes across as a big let down with confusion running through most of the film.On one hand you have a Last of the Mohicans vibe. The underdog vs goliath, the battle for what is right. The people who feel as though their culture is being wiped out. A Tale that would usually bring inspiration, has been ruined by the action sequences. Splashed with CGI, the battle scenes resemble something of a Michael Bay film. Add to this, the melodramatic and unnecessary ghost sequences, tear the film between something of a epic tale of bravery and a mindless action film. Very disappointing.With a better course of direction, this film could have been something. In the end, it becomes a mess and a missed opportunity!
ttrabue-106-208742 Sure gets the blood up. The main guy was great and the kid was better. I watched it on DVD and my subtitles were hit and miss and mostly miss and I suspect that made it better. I was captivated. It's fascinating. I was warn out. It's bloody. Too bloody? Probably but with reason, irresistible force and immovable object. I don't care for senseless violence, this isn't. I give it a seven but then I don't speak any of the languages. I just had to know if there is any truth to it. The internet says yep some. Awesome! Reminded me of Native Americans. I was pleased it's not sugar coated. These savages were savage, that's the point of view and I went with it. Only partially because I don't know the languages, I didn't get the Japanese view. That might have been nice perhaps that's in the full length version.