Warrior Angels
Warrior Angels
| 11 October 2002 (USA)
Warrior Angels Trailers

Elizabeth of Cooke (Joanna Pacula), a beautiful and valiant warrior returns from the Crusades to discover that her son Peter (Sander Kolosov) has been taken by Grekkor (Rutger Hauer), an ex-Lord wreaking havoc throughout the land. She sets out to locate and save Peter.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Benedito Dias Rodrigues A vehicle to an old Joanna Pakula,let's say in last breath of beauty,but if the production is a low profile at least three woman who were casting for supporting role is fine,the Hunter,the virgin warrior which lives in a cave,the Gipsy that lost all relatives and has a reason to fight,and the Tramp,really gorgeous girl who wants an easy life,all them worths the picture,Voslo and Hauer were acceptable,the story not quite,bad cheap sets,enjoyable movie but easy to forget!!Resume:First watch: 2018 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 5
lorenellroy Lady Elizabeth (Joanna Pacula) has proved herself a more than capable warrior ,doing valiant service in the Crusades when she is wounded and compelled to return to England .There she finds that major changes have taken place on her manor.A local warlord ,Grekker (Rutger Hauer) has gathered together a formidable band of outlaws ,is exacting tribute from the local peasantry ,and has taken her only son prisoner ,raising him in the outlaw way.She tries to raise a force to tackle the outlaw and recapture her son but the locals are too cowed and fearful to take action .Instead she assembles a small group of women ,all outcasts ,who are willing to fight on her side .There is the formidable Hunter(Molly Culvert) a skilled archer and sword fighter ;the prostitute Eve (Charlotte Avery)and the gypsy Sybil ,an expert on spells and potions .Also in the brigand's camp -albeit reluctantly -is Luke(Arnold Vosloo) ,an enigmatic individual with a chequered past and who is uneasy at the actions of Grekker ,and his part in perpetuating his reign of terror.The action is lively enough ,although budget restrictions don't help ,and the cast is better than usual for such fare .Sadly,the movie does not follow through on its themes ; for instance in the clearly implied sexual attraction felt by Hunter towards Elizabeth .This movie could have been so much better given the talent on display but is mired in the "adequate time passer " category .Watchable but a missed opportunity
frojavigdis Arnold Vosloo (from "The Mummy") and Rutger Hauer tried to revive this movie but failed, probably due to the director. This movie had a lot of new ideas going for it: a female main character (who was not young and sexy), a single mom in a medieval film, characters who are not simply good or bad... It even made good use of its low budget, particularly by using some realisticly cold-blooded "medieval" type horses rather than the cheap quarter horses miscast in such historical films. The acting was on a MST3K level with the exception of Hauer and Vosloo, but at least the scenery was nice and the unusual circumstances of the story compensated until--The ending ruined it all. The director made an obvious change at the end contrary to the way the screenplay built up the characters throughout the whole film. It leaves a plot hole you can drive a MAC truck through. What can I say? I guess the director figured Americans love happy endings, no matter what loose ends it leaves.
SickSik This is probably one of the worst movies I've watched this year. Nothing seems to be interesting during the film. The story doesn't make any sense. Come on, this movie claims to have somewhat of a historical background, but seriously.....a group of women taking on an entire bandit camp!The only thing that kept me watching was Arnold Vosloo's performance and that was even way below his average....Just don't go and rent this movie, it's a waste of your money and your precious time!