Ward 13
Ward 13
| 06 June 2003 (USA)
Ward 13 Trailers

After a car accident, Ben wakes up in hospital. Not knowing where he is or what is going on, he starts exploring the corridors...only to find that the staff don't have his health in mind! The hapless patient must pull himself together and do everything he can to escape. It's an action/horror/comedy — ending with the wheelchair chase from hell!

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
MartinHafer This is one of the animated shorts from THE ANIMATION SHOW: VOLUME 2. Most of the shorts in this DVD collection are rather poor because very few are funny and the emphasis is much more or art than entertainment in this second installment. For better films overall, see VOLUME 1.Of all the shorts on this film, this is probably my second favorite (after Plympton's hilarious short). While the quality of the stop-motion animation was good, what I really liked about the short was its very sick and twisted sense of humor--something that was abundant in VOLUME 1 but sadly lacking on this DVD.A guy is in an accident. When he wakes up, he's in a hospital that is appears to have been created by Dr. Frankenstein and the Marquis de Sade! As this poor bandaged guy walks around the hospital hallways trying not to be seen, he comes upon horrific experiments and evidence of even more diabolical and useless work by the hospital staff. So, not wanting to be the victim of their next experiment, he spends most of the film trying to escape. It's all very sick and dark, but also rather funny at the same time. You'd really have to see it to understand--but trust me, it is worth seeing.
MrSyntax There hasn't been a short animation as heartfelt or mesmerizing as this. Ward 13 takes you to the pinnacle of breathtaking action packed adventure, complete with tremendous craftsmanship and superb Direction. Not a great fan of stop motion animation? That's OK, here is your cure. After seeing Ward 13 for the first time, my immediate response was that it is easily the best animated short film I have ever seen. There are many animated shorts which come close but there is nothing compared to how much energy and entertainment Ward 13 has given to many a audience. No wonder there ware 2 sellout crowds at Fantasia film festival in 2003 where all that most of the unfortunates could do was stand outside and hear a roaring audience from within the cinema.
wickham316 This film excels in so many areas.It has won awards or jury mentions for almost every facet of movie making including the script writing, film editing, "for amazing timing and extreme imagination in animation,""action sequences (which) are in no way inferior to those of live action thrillers", fast paced editing, and numerous audience awards. Audiences connect really well with WARD 13, and a full theatre, in hysterics during the screening, was quite an experience. I have seen this film several times, and it continues to amaze, with the fine attention to detail, and the hilarious wheel chair chase at the finish, said to "out-Ben Hur, Ben Hur". The only surprise was that it was not nominated for an Oscar.
Greg75 The qualities of this little animated gem obviously remind me of Aardvark Studio's work : the same efficient use of plasticine for round-shaped and exquisitely expressive characters, the sense of humour and irony within a specific genre, and the constant cinematographic references. Here, it is the horror film that is spoofed, with an inclination toward the "hospital horror" sub-genre. But it is never done to the detriment of the rhythm or of a strong story line : the humour within the fear is always sharp and witty, and the director even winks at Nick Park's specific work with a chase in the hospital hallways that is clearly an hommage to the chase between Gromit and the penguin in The Wrong Trousers. With such impressive skills, I don't really worry about Peter Cornwell's future : it looks bright.