Walk with Me
Walk with Me
| 11 May 2017 (USA)
Walk with Me Trailers

Narrated by Benedict Cumberbatch, Walk With Me is a cinematic journey into the world of a monastic community who practice the art of mindfulness with Zen Buddhist master Thich Nhat Hanh.

AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
anhkietqn She is very sad to be away from a loving dog that can not be seen again, the teacher knows that what she wants most now is to see the dog again, how? He mentioned the clouds, when they gradually stopped growing into rain drops and fell to the ground, those drops of rain, it is the water to make tea, when the tea is again met clouds, though. is in the state of water but actually still the clouds of that time :))
odthang I really like this kind of documentary movie which is filmed seemingly close to their real life. The sound and the quotes are beautiful. The film makes me wanting to know more about Buddhism and the meaning of living.
Horst in Translation (filmreviews@web.de) "Walk with Me" is a 1.5-hour documentary movie from this year, a very new release, and a combined effort by writers and directors Marc J. Francis and Max Pugh. The focus here is on Buddhism, in particular on Thich Nhát Hanh. If I am correct, this one is not a contender at the Oscars this year, which fits the film's anti-mainstream message. But it could be as the film brings British Hollywood heavyweight Benedict Cumberbatch as narrator, even if he is not used too frequently here. I personally am not a fan of his acting at all and as a narrator he did an equally bad job as his take on the subject gives the film a fairly pretentious note at times and the worst moment is probably when there is a pretty beautiful scenery that truly spoke for itself and then B.C. enters in and destroys the moment. This is especially disappointing as the film did not come even close to offering as many beautiful moments as I hoped it would and when there finally is one, they manage to botch it. Anyway, the film loses itself at times in random stories of Buddhists showing us how they meet old friends, family members or what their plans were and how differently they were before they picked the path of Buddhism. And shockingly, these moments were still the better parts the film had to offer. I sure did not expect a film that would be as informative and engaging on a level where I would join immediately, but I did expect more significance than we were offered in here. All in all, I was disappointed, even if it is somewhat honorable the film occasionally also talks about the negative aspects, i.e. the sacrifice. A very mediocre work that is not positively memorable whatsoever and occasionally hits rock-bottom even due to the narration/narrator being so full of it-/himself. I kinda wish I could have seen a German dub. So yes my suggestion here is to skip this one. Go for something else instead. The subject, no matter if you are referring to Thich Nhát Hanh or Buddhism itself, deserves way better than it is depicted in here. Maybe you actually needed to be already a Buddhist yourself to appreciate this one? But than could hardly have been the filmmakers' goal. It was also not as soothing as I hoped it would be. Sorry I can't walk with you this time.
jtshiner This film immerses the viewer into Thich Nhat Hanh's practice of mindfulness and approach to life. It sets a beautiful mood while showing the life at a Buddhist monastery. The viewer experiences Thich Nhat Hanh teaching, children asking difficult questions, monks and nuns playing calming classical music - interrupted by a bell after which everyone pauses to contemplate the present moment.