Victoria Wood with All the Trimmings
Victoria Wood with All the Trimmings
| 25 December 2000 (USA)
Victoria Wood with All the Trimmings Trailers

The comedienne stars in this festive sketch show, alongside a host of celebrity guests.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Justine Jones This outstandingly written show was repeated again on BBC this Christmas. Hilarious in 2000 and fun to re-watch a year or two ago when last repeated but putting it on again for Christmas 2011? Can't they commission her to do something new for us? Victoria's talent is sadly underrated here on IMDb with a score that should be at least an 8 or 9 out of 10. She's such a talented artist and writer who deserves much more appreciation.The BBC should definitely pay her for a new Christmas special after ten years!Come back Victoria, we need you. There are plenty more people and things just waiting to be lampooned and we've never needed a good laugh more.
H T WOW! This is a great show of sketches fantastically put together by Victoria Wood.This show is a great mix of wonderfully funny sketches. It really is one of the only shows ever to have me constantly laughing for a straight hour. It was absolutely crammed with an all star cast and had me chuckling even hours after.I stumbled across Dinnerladies by accident and loved Victoria Wood's work from there on. After watching other programmes such as Acorn Antiques, An Audience with Victoria Wood and Dinnerladies - this show has just proved that her talent as a comedienne just grows.You cant miss it!
Sabrejetp On the strength of this I'm almost inclined to think that this format is the one Victoria does best. This format, originally done by her in 'Victoria Wood As seen on TV' allows Vic. to play to almost all of her strengths, (of which she has many)Television parody, musical parody, movie parody, all this is very very good, and the BBCs Christmas budget made for an all star cast. And thank goodness its on DVD for us to cherish and cherish again. If I was running the BBC I'd have Victoria producing 13 of these every year from now till forever. The only thing missing, (in my role as BBC boss I'd give Vic a second budget for this) is more in the style of 'Pat and Margaret'
ManchesterMatthew Ok, I admit, I'm a life long fan of all things Victoria Wood. She captured my imagination through my school years and has just stuck with me ever since. As one of Britains best loved female comediennes though at least I'm not alone.This show aired over Xmas 2000 and really took me by surprise. Usually only the Simpsons manages to deliver a continual stream of laugh after laugh but Victoria Wood manages to pull it off fantastically and I thoroughly enjoyed watching it.Naturally the addition of the wonderful Julie Walters assists no ends, with the best clip having to be their mutual portrayal of two war time women. Julie Walters line regarding the death of her husband has to be the funniest thing I've heard in years ;)Highly recommended.