PG | 01 February 1975 (USA)
Venom Trailers

A Nazi scientist and a woman known as a "spider goddess" attempt to develop a nerve gas made from spider venom.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Wuchak Released in 1971 (but not until '75 in the USA), "Spider's Venom" (aka "The Legend of Spider Forest" and "Venom") is a mystery/horror about an artist (Simon Brent) who stumbles upon a village with secrets in the Black Forest, Germany: A beautiful redhead (Neda Arneric) frolics the local woods and seemingly leads men to their deaths, but people in the hamlet only willingly speak of it in hushed tones late at night when the fires burn low. The tangled web includes lethal spiders, neurotoxin and mad Nazi doctors. Sheila Allen is also on hand.The protagonist looks like an early 70's rock star (e.g. Jim Morrison) and I noticed an early 70's rock/prog rock soundtrack during the tavern sequence (think Jethro Tull or ELO). Arneric is a serious cutie and there's some tame, tasteful nudity. I favor the haunting backwoods European mood. It was directed by Peter Sykes, whose next film would be Hammer's "Demons of the Mind (1972); he also directed Hammer's penultimate "To the Devil a Daughter" (1976) and, believe it or not, "The Jesus Film" (1979).Unfortunately, the editing is amateurish, like a lot of 70's low-budget Euro flicks; it's just awkwardly done and takes you right out of the movie. Pictures like this make you praise Hammer Films in all their low-budget glory. Also, the DVD that I viewed (which is probably the only form of the movie available) had terrible audio and I could only make out about 50% of the dubbed verbiage; no kidding.The film runs 97 minutes and was shot at Twickenham Film Studios, St Margarets, Twickenham, Middlesex, England with establishing shots of the Alps. WRITERS: Derek Ford & Donald Ford, with additional dialogue by Christopher Wicking. GRADE: C
Darkling_Zeist Quite a curio this.'Legend of The Spider Forest' is partly shot in what appears to be the picturesque Bavarian mountains, concerning the bizarre, esoteric legend of the deadly Spider Woman; played by the truly delicious Nada Arneric. Various libidinous young men are dying in the uber spooky forest; is it really the dastardly machinations of the nubile Arneric or is there something far more sinister afoot? Throw in the ubiquitous mad German scientist and you have a giddy mish- mash of unctuous horror goodness that is bound to appeal to most Brit horror completists!
The_Void Peter Sasdy made a lot of films that were disappointing; Demons of the Mind and To the Devil a Daughter were two of the worst of all the Hammer films and House in Nightmare Park was not nearly as entertaining as it could have been. The Legend of Spider Forest is actually Sasdy's least disappointing film, but that's only because I had no expectations going into it. The film really does make little sense and while the fantasy elements of it might have lifted it out of the bottom of the barrel, they unfortunately don't. The plot has something to do with a mad scientist, a mythical 'spider woman' and some spider venom; there's a forest involved too. It actually gets off to an interesting start as we witness an interesting sequence taking place in a forest but the rest of the film is an absolute mess. It's far too easy to get lost in what's going on, and since the film is not very interesting, it's difficult to find the motivation to actually care what is going on - which kind of makes watching this film rather pointless. I guess this might appeal to people who like daft films that don't make sense, but everyone else can feel free to leave this one languishing in obscurity!
sol1218 **SPOILERS** Almost incomprehensible horror movie that goes into so much detail about this crazy mad scientist and his equally nutty daughter that you get lost in just what it's supposed to be about in the first place. We see at the start of the movie in a dream-like sequence Paul and Anna skinny dipping in a lake and then romping and making out in the grass, stark naked, as their suddenly attacked by this unseen shadowy figure. The camera then pans to Anna's chest and we see this black spider tattoo.You assume that Paul was killed before the credits are even over but then we see him driving in the German countryside and running into Anna who he photographs. Anna very upset at her picture being taken runs off in the wood and Paul, in a state of confusion, drives into the first town that he come too. It's here that Paul finds out that the town's most respected and richest man Huber is interested in his pictures and uses his creepy daughter Hellen to bed Paul down in his hotel room in order to steal them.The movie never explains what the connection between Paul and Anna is and why are both Huber and Ellen so interested in Paul? Were also never told what did the opening sequence have to do with the rest of the movie anyway? We get some idea of what's going on when we start to see Huber involved with spiders and spider venom in his lab and that he uses the expensive paintings, that he stole after the war, from the local church to secretly sell to unscrupulous art dealer in order to finance his experiments. Were never really told what he's attempting to do with the venom and why. it seems that he's trying to create a super powerful poison & nerve gas agent to either revive his beloved Third Reich but we never really know for sure if Huber is a fugitive fanatical Nazi or not or if he just wants to sell his super poison WMD, Weapon of Mass Destruction, to the highest bidder just to enrich himself.The movie "Venom" goes on with Paul finding that Huber's saw mill that employs almost everyone in town is being used to saw people, who are killed by the "Spider-Girl" Anna, to pieces and then have their bodies, or whatever's left of them, disposed of.There's a number of locals working for both Huber & Ellen led by this not so bright thug Johann who always slips up and is such a burden on Haber's & Ellen's work with the spiders that he's viciously whipped on Hellen's orders. later Johann get's his revenge on Ellen by beating her head in and leaving her for dead as hundreds of deadly spiders break loose from their cages in Haber's lab."Venom" totally disintegrates, literally, at the end with almost everyone going up flames including what seem to be Anna's mother or guardian Frau Kessler. With the now totally insane Huber, doing an imitation of Anthony Perkins at the end "Psycho", looking like his face was badly stung by his spiders who were just as outraged at his experiments with them as the audience was in being conned, through false advertisements on the DVD box, into watching the movie. You watch "Venom" expecting something to happen and all you get is a number of unrelated scenes and people, what exactly did that bunch of thugs working for Huber have to do with the movie anyway? You also never get any intelligent answer to just what Anna had to do with Huber's experiments only getting some kind of lame explanation that she's being used by him like some kind of a scarecrow to scare people away from town in order to keep them from finding out about his secret experiments. Anna if anything else attracted Paul to the town and his being there spelled the end for Huber his daughter Hellen Frau Kessler and the rest of the gang of vicious and drunken hoodlums, including Johann, who worked for them.