| 09 January 2011 (USA)
Vegucated Trailers

Vegucated is a guerrilla-style documentary that follows three meat- and cheese-loving New Yorkers who agree to adopt a vegan diet for six weeks and learn what it's all about. They have no idea that so much more than steak is at stake and that the planet's fate may fall on their plates. Lured by tales of weight lost and health regained, they begin to uncover hidden sides of animal agriculture that make them wonder whether solutions offered in films like Food, Inc. go far enough. Before long, they find themselves risking everything to expose an industry they supported just weeks before. But can their convictions carry them through when times get tough? What about on family vacations fraught with skeptical step-dads, carnivorous cousins, and breakfast buffets? Part sociological experiment and part adventure comedy, Vegucated showcases the rapid and at times comedic evolution of three people who are trying their darnedest to change in a culture that seems dead set against it.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
MrMowji I think they focused more on what that can affect the minds instead of what could be the main reason. We see slaughterhouses, yes, they are brutal. I was a vegan and now I'm a vegetarian. For those who aren't veg, this question might occur: "But what if they weren't brutal?". No direct answer was mentioned. The second thing that was not so good about this documentary was the accessibility of vegan products for all people. For small cities, finding such products is hard or not possible, so that transition to veganism might not be as easy as they say.
kerryanps First, thank you so much for taking all the time and effort to create Vegucated. It truly changed my life. I was so uneducated about what happened behind the scenes when it came to how animals/fowl became table food. I had a feeling it was bad and was like "Out of site, out of mind" which I think most people feel the same. After watching this, it made me realized how utterly clueless I was. I cannot imagine how people work at these places, how do they sleep at night? I wish I could stand on the roof tops and yell out to people what is really going on! This video should be mandatory to be seen by everyone. Again, thank you for being the person who literally changed my life and me becoming a Vegan. You are amazing!
jbl-powers When I watched this video, I was looking to learn more about what it was to be vegan. This documentary is not only educational, but emotionally moving, brilliant, and funny. It drove me from a slight interest in the topic to 95% vegan (with that 5% decreasing with each passing day). Any time I desire to eat non-vegan, I remember one of the many great examples for driving a shift to this lifestyle.The information in this video gave me the confidence and tools to convert and stay vegan for 6 months (and counting).Thank you so much for all that you do! I truly appreciate the love that went into this great work!
leisasd The name "Vegucated" sounds to me like a film that would give you a good education on the benefits of a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle. I like the concept of introducing 3 people to such a wonderful way of living. Dr. Fuhrman made an appearance, checking their health and showed how their health improved in the short time they were on the program. The show also exposed many problems in some slaughterhouses, dairy and large organic farms, which is appreciated since I am now more likely to purchase meat from small local farms. It was definitely extremely politically slanted for farm animal rights. Its as if they expect you to be shocked at seeing animals who are bred for food to be killed for that purpose. Or that Americans who are only used to seeing animals already dead in the supermarket would not be able to cope with the idea that they were once alive and were killed whether humanely or not. They spent way too much time trying to convert the 3 subjects, and the viewers, into farm animal rights activists. They should have spent some time showing viewers examples of people who have been positively impacted by veganism such as having their cancer (or other terrible disease) cured just by changing their diet. A visit to Florida to see the 70-year old Annette Larkin who looks 35 would have really made this documentary kick, if they really wanted to give a true education about veganism and not just a farm animal rights activist propaganda program.