Vegas Vampires
Vegas Vampires
NR | 12 December 2003 (USA)
Vegas Vampires Trailers

A series of brutal murders at several top nightclubs have left the Las Vegas police department baffled. But when they discover that the killers are a group of bloodsucking vampires led by Q (Alex Wilkinson), it's everything they can do to prevent the information from reaching the public.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Konterr Brilliant and touching
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
ziggyu The hands down worst movie I have ever had the misfortune of watching. I can't believe I actually watched the whole movie and feel dumber as a result. This is truly a case of the train wreck syndrome and I simply could not stop watching because it was so awful. I kept thinking that it had to get better and was always amazed at how it progressively got worse. From the acting to the script to the editing to the photography, absolutely terrible. I can't believe that somebody actually made this movie and thought "wow, this is great piece of cinema!" If I could give it a lower rating than 1 star I would. I highly recommend this movie for all film students as an excellent example of what should never be done in cinema.
danteda This movie is so bad, that it might be a waste of time for you to read any further adjectives that I will use in order to fully describe it's utter suckiness. Think about every terrible aspect that a movie could possibly possess, and then add them up. Now, take that number and multiply it by a million. However, would I recommend this film to you? Absolutely. I have never laughed so hard at any movie in my life. Tears were streaming down my face from this movies level of enjoyment. If you want to laugh for a good 2-3 days straight, please, do yourself a favor and rent this movie. No comedy ever written, however classic and hilarious some are, could come close to bringing you the sheer joy you will feel when the credits roll on this film. All people associated with this film are probably either out of film making or have been taken out of the business from this unimaginable monstrosity.
baday-2 As someone who loves blaxploitation movies and modern vampire movies (i.e Lost Boys, Interview with a Vampire, and Underworld ) and paranormal TV shows (i.e. Super Natural, True Blood), I can say this is hands down the worse vampire film I have seen that was made in the past 20 years. It was the kind of movie you watch because it is so bad you can't stop but watching it to see if it gets worse, and you know, it does get worse. I really wonder if the actors knew the movie was as bad as it was while they were making it. The only reason I gave it a 2 out of 10 is because there were a few fine chicks in it and it showed a little booty. Otherwise, this is garbage!
movieman_kev Tommy Lister is on hand as a police detective looking for the missing daughter of an affluent man, and runs into the vampire clan that have kidnapped her. A second plot has the detective's step-son going to Vegas to get hitched and running afoul of the same vampire clan. Yet a third plot has blacksploitation greats Richard Roundtree and Fred Williamson as ex-cops who go to Vegas for the hell of it and run afoul of, yup you guessed it. Other the vampire connection none of those three plots feel connected to one another in the least until the end when they had to be tied together somehow. It's done in a pretty convoluted way sadly. And it still felt like the writers had no clue what each other were doing. Plots are dismissed, and new ones take their place willy nilly. It definitely didn't help having 5 writers pen it. (too many cooks and all that). The thing that got me to rent this is the fact that Williamson (who also directed) and Roundtree were starring, both of which I respect and enjoy seeing a lot. But they have basically the shortest screen time of all the major characters and are a bit insubstantial. Still when they DO have scenes they're OK. Tommy Lister is the real star of the movie and he does the best job that he could have done with such ridiculousness. The one thing that REALLY got on my nerves bad (I mean besides the vampires dancing like zombies half the time), was the fact that logos on shirts were blurred out, and since a good deal of the cast wears a jersey during the first half of the film, this became extremely distracting and almost made the film unwatchable. The ending leaves room for a sequel, but I can quickly exclaim 'fangs, but no fangs' to that prospect. Oh and you might have noticed I didn't mention Baldwin in my review, this is simply because he's only on-screen a whopping two minutes or so of the film and is a glorified cameo. On a side note, the DVD is as bare-bones as can be with absolute zilch for extras. The movie and chapter stops is all you get.Eye Candy: there's a gratuitous 5 girl topless dancing scene in the middle My Grade: D