American Cousins
American Cousins
| 28 November 2003 (USA)
American Cousins Trailers

Two American mafiosi, Gino and Settimo, take refuge in the Glasgow cafe owned by their Scottish/Italian cousin, but he isn't the tough guy they'd expected. Gino and Settimo try to repay Roberto's hospitality by chasing off a debt collector who wants his property, but their strong arm tactics alarm him and he realises they aren't the PR consultants they claimed to be.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
breaklikeagirl I feel I have to comment on this film purely to correct the comment below. None of the characters are traditionally Irish, as the film is set in Scotland. Dear me.American Cousins is a nice wee film. It didn't take itself too seriously, which is good as it was a little hammy & far fetched, particularly towards the end. Overall, the story was interesting - funny in places, heartbreakingly sad in others.It's a mafia film set in Glasgow (that would be Scotland). My only complaint is that it makes Glasgow look so backward, - dated, cultureless & empty. Glasgow is (like everywhere else in Scotland) every bit as modern as America or any other country but the hospital, café...everywhere in the film was dingy & dated.However, the cast were good, their acting carried the story (apart Stevan Rimkus, who was cringe-worthy to watch as JoJo) & the story was touching in places. A good film to pop on when you feel like some light entertainment.
bluenotejazz I like the way this movie tackled the subject and how it played out on the screen.While the two gangsters were very typical, cut from the same cloth one would expect them to be, and even willing to resolve problems the only way they knew how, still they were taught a valuable lesson. On the other hand, while yet maintaining their Italian roots, the 'cousins' were very much Irish and followed their own traditions and values. Following real life, sometimes the misguided perceptions of those outside of a group can be so pervasive, that even those belonging to that same group adopt those ideas about themselves. They then turn around and judge their peers within the group using the same measuring stick, wrong as it is. Anyone who strays away from that is looked at as strange or even worse ostracized. The 'stamp collecting' scene is one good example of this.Otherwise the movie was good with competent acting. The subtlety of the emotions of the characters as they progressively learned more about themselves from their cousins was quite well done by the lead actors - even Dan Hedaya toned down some of the usual facial Dan Hedayaisms. While it was based on the same love triangle theme seen a jillion times before, it was done differently here and in a unique setting - at least to us North Americans. Check it out.
ninty9 I just got back from seeing this film at the 2003 Calgary International Film Festival. I had read good things going into it, and I was pretty well satisfied.I won't give a synopsis of the story since if you read the other comments, it's there, however I will give a general overview of how I thought the film performed.The acting was great. I really didn't have a problem with it. It was convincing, and to see some of the minor characters really stand out because of what they do and the way they do it was really nice to see. Gerald Lepkowski does a wonderful job as Roberto. We get to see his somewhat simple life and what is important to him. Shirley Henderson does a great job as well.The plot is simple, but it works. There are a few surprises through out the film that are great. It makes it not predictable and keeps you interested because you aren't sure just what you'll find.This is more of a comedy than a mobster type movie. And as that I think it does just fine. There are a lot of one liners, but they're amusing. As a mobster movie, this isn't, although you would think this by looking at it. It is very much about cousins, and family. 8/10
filmfan2004 American Cousins was shown at the film festival market in Cannes, France, and went down a storm with the audience. Warm, funny, romantic, quirky, and a wonderful sound-track. The talk in the ladies' restroom afterward was why aren't there more movies like this; movies that make you feel good and leave you with a smile on your face.