Vampire Cleanup Department
Vampire Cleanup Department
| 16 March 2017 (USA)
Vampire Cleanup Department Trailers

Attacked by vampire, Spring, a born loser is saved by three street cleaners. When he wakes up, he finds himself in a government secret facilities hidden in a garbage collection station. Spring then discovers that he has a special immunity to vampire attack, making him a perfect candidate as agent of the secret organisation, the Vampire Cleanup Department.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Aktham Tashtush The movie is surprisingly good, i thought it would be one of those lame vampires movies but it wasn't ,, the comedy was clear, fast and comprehensible, the action and fight moves were also impressive.The cinematography and CGI was really good,, the story itself though appeared short ,, this would look much better on a TV show .. I liked the intro where it looked like the credits from Sherlock movie ..The cast are funny and engaging ,, loved them all.Final thought,, lately i'v been watching a lot of Korean movies ,, and this Chinese one popped up by accident on my list ,, but it was all worth it so it is without a doubt recommended.
Jim Vampire Cleanup Department (2017)The term 'vampire' is incorrect in this Chinese genre (dating from literature of the 19th Century). The living corpses are more like zombies (the animated dead). They hop around (hahaha!) and attack humans. In the 1980s, this genre was briefly popular in Hong Kong movies, Since this genre predated the craze for zombies in the West, the term vampire was applied in the English translation. And sure enough, some zombies went for the neck.In the context of a feudal rural context, the old movies were atmospheric and spooky. This movie is set in modern Hong Kong, and the old-style zombies look silly where there are motorcars and SWAT.The special effects are minimal. So, the actors have to ham it up. With the small budget, the film makers have to target micro audiences.Richard Ng represents nostalgia. The film starts with a bloody flourish in slasher style. Then, we are introduced to the small team of 'ghostbusters' known as Vampire Cleanup Department (VCD). The VCD hang out in a Batcave-style secret HQ. Then, there is the romance angle. The VCD has a young recruit who falls for a teen zombie. Interestingly, the teen zombie looks like a doll (Japanese fetish for life-like girl dolls).The bottom line is that this is a commercial production with little originality. Possibly entertaining if you are looking for a little entertainment. But, its not the next-big-thing as the producers might hope.
Helio This cockamany story has the "hero" bitten by a vampire but he turns out to be immune (explained in the first twenty minutes) and joins a Ghostbusters like anti-Vampire crew only to be assigned to sweeping the floors, where he develops kung fu like moves akin to the Karate Kid. On a search for vampires he encounters a drowned ugly one [aren't they all?] that swallows his cell phone. He falls into the water trying to retrieve it and they lock lips making the vampire iurn into a beautiful twenty year old woman who died (was buried alive) in the 1800's. She hops around, as apparently Chinese vampires do (which helps me better understand "Crazy Safari" where a Ctinese vampire falls out of a plane over Botswana {The Gods Must Be Crazy #3 of 5}). She is able to communicate account the cell phone she shallowed (using Siri like exchanges). She takes a fancy to old Chinese Operas on the television so he leaves her watching while he attends his other duties - what could go wrong?
shiyosunderland This hopping-Chinese-vampire-comedy felt very shallow. It tries to be hip and modern but feels as hip as Babyjohns granny in her hibbedy-hob-garments - it's a joke. Babyjohn himself made me want to grab the TV and shake it, although cruelty against minors is not my thing at all. The romance was completely artificial and the story itself tries to be too many things at once while failing to deliver any of the real goods like horror, comedy or action. "Vampire Cleanup Department" feels more like a failed TV-Show and tries to update the Jiang-Shi-Lore with elements from Blade and Buffy without providing any original life energy for us to suck up.+ classic ("Mr. Vampire") veterans on board! It's great to see Richard Ng and Chin Siu-Ho again and there's even a cameo from Eric Tsang. That's nice! - Lead actors are not at all interesting - script is all over the place - Makup effects are not very frightening - Digital fx are very bad. The vampire kills are very much doing the same as "Blade" did, but that movie is 20 years old soon and looks a million times better. - romance: Maybe this works for Youtube junkies. I don't know. I hope not otherwise mankind might be doomed. What happens at the end?Does it make sense at all? - Babyjohn? Is he a kid, is he an adult? Watch this movie and see for yourselves!verdict: hop along, hop along, there's nothing to see here.