Upast Vverh
Upast Vverh
| 06 June 2002 (USA)
Upast Vverh Trailers

Казалось бы, фильмов с рефлексирующими героями хватает, однако - первый фильм о российской буржуазии, первая честная попытка разобраться в феноменологии нового класса, к тому же снятый в подлинных, апартаментах, дорогих ресторанах и клубах, а не в картонных декорациях. Почему у, казалось бы, успешных, состоявшихся людей так часто замечаешь пустой, потухший взгляд, - задается вопросом автор сценария, писательница Наталия Вико. Всем знакомая тема одиночества современной обеспеченной женщины открывается по-новому.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
MeAlexS This is really a confession. One day U understand, that U R madly tired. And you, yourself, are the only person to talk to. Money, husband, new apartment - it's nothing. Freedom is the only value... Love and freedom are the only way to be happy. But this two things often are mutually exclusive. The heroine really understands the meaning of the expression "no man loves his fetters, be they made of gold". But... one day she looks in the man's eyes and feels the rustling of wings behind. And suddenly she remembers that she is a strong, beautiful, sexy, gifted woman and she needs love. But we can't know everything. Sometimes destiny doesn't let us decide.
vinogradovh It's a story about a young woman, who has everything what others are only dreaming about: money, good looks and a peaceful marriage. But she's disappointed - life is boring for her. She can't find anything in common with her girl-friends form school-times, with her husbands colleagues nor with her husband, who's a rich civil servant/businessman. She's fed up of those selfish and stupid girls, who stick themselves to some old and fat rich businessman or politician. She hates grandiose parties, where people are gossiping. One day her husband goes to a trip.. she's left alone at home and decides to reconstruct her fireside. Her girl-friend recommends her a guy for that job.. Well, firstly I have to say, that I have seen many Russian films from the middle of 40 until the end of 70-ies, but only some films from the 90's, mostly document and non from the new, 21th century. So I was very curious about this film - Russian film of year 2002. The film takes place in Moscow, Russian capital. Even though the film action mostly takes place in one flat, we can see some nice views to Moscow also. So.. I didn't know WHAT to expect and I was nicely surprised. The idea of the film and the progress is quite unexcpectable and the end - totally out-of-a-blue. I would say that Yevgeni Sidikhin's (the guy who comes to reconstruct the fireplace) role was a little bit disturbing sometimes. Mostly I liked the film, especially the first part. Not one of my top-movies, not at all, but better than most of average romantic-action movies. PS! As far as I know it was the first film for the directors(Sergey Ginzburg, Aleksandr Strizhenov).