Unrated: The Movie
Unrated: The Movie
| 10 October 2009 (USA)
Unrated: The Movie Trailers

Frank is a filmmaker who brings a group of actresses to a cabin in the woods to make a film. While there they stumble upon a book, a book that belongs to the Book Keeper. The book is in no way an ordinary book, as it brings demons to earth, and now Frank and his actresses are the only ones to stop them. Source: horrornews.net

Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
nocpan I like B movies, the are unrefined but sometimes give you that something that big Hollywood productions lack. Here we are given nothing.It is a movie about a looser director taking four actresses into an abandoned house in the middle of nowhere to film a movie with a hand held Sony handy cam. The director in the movie is the actual director of Unrated the movie and I'm quite certain that his portrayed role in the movie is quite close to the original self.I can't begin to understand how this movie came to be. Acting is very bad, dialog is as shallow as a puddle. For example "You are s**t, and you are pi$$." said by one of the "actress" to the remaining two, and this was one of the more dramatic moments of interaction. Movie looks like it has in fact been shot with a Sony HandyCam. There is no mood or tension which should be present. Sad to say, even nudity is used in crude amateur way. It did not help the movie. Even the last final battle which supposed to be dynamic, gore, blood, guts and killing just wasn't it at all.How come this looks so bad? it is as if 9th grade video club was given handful of cash and told they can hire strippers for the movie. Any attempts at giving characters some depth failed miserably. Costumes and special effects were very low budget, and since when blood bubbles like soap water? I strongly advise against watching this movie. It is just not worth wasting anyone's time. I have no idea how come it got through editing, previews and ultimately to DVD but it does not provide entertainment of any sort, you will just be frustrated that you spent hour and a half sitting and hoping it will get better somehow.
manjodude Haha! They tricked me into thinking it'd be a horror movie but this is a soft-porn scream. I mean a soft porn flick :) If the intention was to titillate the viewers, then it worked for sure! Almost all the lady stars in this movie expose. Of course in such productions, we can expect a story that's thinner than iPhone 5 :) It was quite funny to see the movie do spoofs on The Evil Dead, Hellraiser and who knows what other movies. There's nothing much to say really except that the movie clicks, at least as an adult entertainment :) Verdict: A Silly Billy, Adult Horror Comedy....
whammy666 With the joining of two great German horror legends - Andreas Schnaas and Timo Rose - you would expect the greatest film ever. However, what you do get is a movie that is just okay. And a movie where the only gore is in the last 10 minutes. And a musical number by Karl the Butcher - but that's a good thing. However, the first hour of the movie is kind of boring. Considering what the movie is, you know the fans just want gore, and it doesn't deliver till the very end. It just isn't well made or that entertaining. See it - but don't expect too much. However, Karl the Butcher vs. Axe was a definite improvement over this, and I know that these two will make many good films to come. Well, good if you like this type of thing.
ultra_tippergore Im starting to think that i don't want to see "Karl Vs Axe" the part 4 of the Violent Sh+t saga. Well, i will watch it because I'm a big fan of part 3 and i think that part 2 is very entertaining. But, since 1999s Violent Sh+t part 3, Andreas Schnaas is only making bad and disappointing movies. Previous Schnaass movie was the horrible and unfunny horror-comedy "Dont wake the dead", now he makes a very similar movie. An unfunny horror-comedy. There are some good gore fx at the ending but nothing more, this movie is hard to watch, its impossible to watch without Fast forwarding. Its boring as hell. Timo Rose co-directs, he is a more talented director than Schnaass but this movie is just awful. The plot? a wannabe movie maker who jerks-off to a picture of Andreas Schnaas wants to make a movie with a group of chicks, then a book appears in the house(like an evil dead homage) and a group of monsters, including Karl the butcher from Violent Sh+it appears. Hardly watchable. 2/10