Unlawful Killing
Unlawful Killing
| 18 May 2011 (USA)
Unlawful Killing Trailers

A documentary about the allegedly conspiratorial killing of Diana, Princess of Wales and Dodi Fayed.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Mark Slater An emotional rather than logical documentary full of speculation, hearsay and outright manipulation of facts with a clear agenda."Britain is a monarchy not a democracy" declares Keith Allen solemnly. Pur-leaze.Constant mysterious references to 'The Establishment' like some cabal controlling us all like marionettes on a string.Then we have Piers Morgan telling us that we can't believe the head of MI5 because "we've all seen Bond movies". Really.That's the bar for evidence in this documentary which inhabits a world where every single person in the country is willing to be complicit in homicide for the chance their boss might be awarded a knighthood.The country's security services are at the beck and call of the royal family who are really Nazis especially Prince Philip, (because Nazis attended his sisters funeral in Germany of course). Not to mention the sheer number of people who have been paid off and sworn to a lifetime of silence.There is flawless collusion between the countless personnel of the media, security services, royal household and the judiciary.And the motive? Causing embarrassment to the royal family which she is no longer even part of. Oh and the landmine manufacturers being put out of business. Maybe. Good Lord.Diana was treated terribly by Charles and there are many questions to be answered for sure. As for assassination I remain thoroughly unconvinced.All in all a low budget piece of propaganda worth watching if you want to get into the mind of the conspiracy theorists and there's no paint drying at your house at the moment.
loz-27 Almost impossible to get hold of as it seems to be banned (for no reason, let alone the "87 requested cuts" as far as I can see). It is a predictably one-sided docu-film, but then, that doesn't matter as we all know the other side that was presented to us in the media over and over again. The points are all well made and clearly argued. The editing is all pretty low-budget but that's because it is. Keith Allen has done a good job with a prickly subject. Overall then, this is a film that all people in the UK ought to watch so that it opens our minds a bit more to the actual 'democracy' we live in. For the rest of the world, well worth a watch for your curiosity.
eightball13 Us Brits are shocked when we watch documentaries depicting life in places such as North Korea but maybe we should start looking closer to home for authorities covering up the truth.I am not a great believer in conspiracy theories but found this documentary to be quite shocking and persuasive when arguing its case.Although not possible to view in the UK, various websites stream it and I definitely recommend you hunt it down. Well worth a watch.The only contraction it seems to make is its constant reference to the fact that the media viewed it as Diana's death despite two other people in the car suffering the same fate. In summary it refers to the accident as the death of Diana and Dodi without mentioning the driver whose name had been unfairly dragged through the dirt by the media.
Marijuanaut "Keith Allen's film exposes the in-plain-sight cover up of what happened to Diana in Paris in 1997 and her cold, heartless and disgusting treatment by this cold, heartless and disgusting family – including the way that the judge at the excuse-for-an-inquest ordered royal correspondence with Diana from people like Prince Philip to be censored before being made public. Does this remind anyone of how the judge at the excuse-for-an-inquiry into North Wales child abuse ordered that famous political names could not be mentioned by the victims?The film exposes the pathetic irrelevance of the mainstream media which is just an arm of the same Establishment which it is alleged to be 'reporting' – with a few honorary exceptions scattered here and there. This is the BBC's 'royal correspondent', Nicholas Witchell, one of the most pompous people I have ever met, depicted in the film fast asleep more than once while inquest evidence was being heard. Unlawful Killing is the incredibly important and highly revealing 'inquest of the inquest' that reveals overwhelming evidence of a massive Establishment cover up in the UK and France and this is why it has not been seen in the UK but can be watched now on an overseas website. Keith Allen said around the time of the royal wedding in 2011, when Diana's son, William, married Kate Middleton:'Why is the film being premiered next week at Cannes, three years after the inquest ended? Because British lawyers insisted on 87 cuts before any UK release could be contemplated. So rather than butcher the film, or risk legal action, we're showing it in France, then the US, and everywhere except the UK. Pity, because at a time when the mindless sugar rush of the royal wedding has been sending British Republicans into a diabetic coma, it could act as a welcome antidote.'Mohamed Al Fayed is no angelic being of sweetness and light either, but the point of this film is to show how what happened to Diana was systematically covered up by the alleged inquest into the death of her and Dodi Fayed. From this comes a simple question: why would there be a cover up if there was not something highly significant to cover up? A clinical psychologist describes Prince Philip in the film as a man devoid of guilt, empathy and love – precisely the character traits of the royal and 'elite' bloodlines worldwide that I have been exposing for nearly a quarter of a century. The royal family as a whole are described as 'gangsters in tiaras'. Even this is mild compared with their sick and sordid past and present."http://vimeo.com/55630108