Unidentified Flying Oddball
Unidentified Flying Oddball
G | 26 July 1979 (USA)
Unidentified Flying Oddball Trailers

A NASA spacecraft proves Einstein right when, traveling faster than light, it ends up near King Arthur's Camelot. On board are big-hearted Tom Trimble and Hermes, the look-alike robot he built. Tom immediately makes friends with pretty Alisande while becoming enemies with the evil knight Sir Mordred. It seems Mordred has joined up with the Sorcerer Merlin and they are both up to no good. It is now up to Tom to try and use 20th century technology to foil their plans.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Leofwine_draca UNIDENTIFIED FLYING ODDBALL is a '70s version of the classic Mark Twain story, A CONNECTICUT YANKEE IN KING ARTHUR'S COURT. The story has been updated to the space age, with a lone young astronaut and his android double breaking through a time barrier in space and finding themselves back in King Arthur's day, where they must battle evil and romance willing maidens and the like.It's all very juvenile, of course, but then you expect little else from a Disney production. However, like a lot of Disney movies, UNIDENTIFIED FLYING ODDBALL is a colourful romp through medieval times and one that's filled with incident, so there's plenty to enjoy here, as long as you like your entertainment basic and your jokes rather obvious. I thought the main American star, Dennis Dugan, was poor indeed, but the supporting cast of British character actors makes up for him: Jim Dale, cast against type as the villain; Ron Moody as the delightfully sneaky Merlin; a near unrecognisably aged Kenneth Moore as Arthur; and the reliable Rodney Bewes and John Le Mesurier in comic support.
mvsleen I remember the trailer song too, Miniskunk! "Unidentified Flying Oddball, it's undeniably oddball. He's the wrong way astronaut, Who brought his rocket back to to Camelot. There's an oddball in King Arthur's court!"Been searching for that song for ages. Makes me feel out of date myself.;-)I used to live in the States when this movie came out. Some of the actors are great. Dennis Dugan has an uncanny resemblance to Steve Coogan (Alan Partridge) and could even make me laugh when the jokes in this flick were pretty bad.
threebrain2003 You above, yeah you! You are a fool if you didn't love this rockstar film! It had space ship, camelot, magic and wonder! All the makings of a great film! And you have the audacity to diss it? You are a movie snob that are one of them fools that likes the new Star Wars. The characters in this film, now titled "Unidentified Fly Oddball" on the current DVD of it, are hilarious! That lady that thinks her dad is a goose! hahaha i'm serious! hahahahaha.So much hilarious stuff happens in this movie and some of it unintensional but still hilarious. Like you can see the strings on stuff that flies. hahahaha it's so bad that it's hilarious. My girlfriend was all dissing it like the movie snob above who wrote a bad review but I threatened to punch her if she didn't shut up so then she shut up! anyways! 8 of 10! hilarious movie. So aweomse!
osmith5 An all-around fun movie for the adventurous and imaginative. The Disney channel used to air this film regularly in the 1980's and I made sure to watch it each and every time.This is a great family film that is especially fun for young boys (what little boy doesn't want to be an astronaut or a knight? How about BOTH!?). Just be sure your kids see this one before they become cynical from being corrupted by the numerous plotless special-effects laden films of today. Additionally, this is a great way to introduce kids to the literary world by providing them with the film's inspiration: Mark Twain's "A Connecticut Yankee in King Aurthur's Court."Enjoy!