Unicorn City
Unicorn City
PG | 24 February 2012 (USA)
Unicorn City Trailers

Voss entices local gamers to create a utopia to impress a potential employer, but paradise is disrupted when his nemesis lays claim to the city and Voss's true love.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Reno Rangan If you read the title correctly, you would think it's a little kid's film, especially for girls. Even the title design gives the same impression, more like a fairytale. But shockingly, this film was very different. This is about the gamers, the people who are crazy about video games. It was like a comic con, the film characters decide to create a utopia for the gamer with their favourite gaming characters. So they gather outskirt of the town and when everything was going well, they bump into a series of trouble, especially the founder of it. Coming out of it is the rest of the film to reveal.It is not my favourite, but one of the best B movies I have seen and a bit refreshing. My appreciation is according to how they managed to give this product with the limited financial support. The quality of the film was so good. The performances were well recognisable. Since it was a comedy, sometimes the flaws are gone unnoticed. Not a bad attempt for the first time direction. Though the story was easy, predictable, but still enjoyable. Surely some people will find it good, even better than I did, so I hope this film reaches them instead of those who criticise it.7/10
Fredomoftruth My husband was out of town so I had to take my 2, 4, 8, and 10yr old with me to see this show. I was afraid that this show would be too "adult" for it to be any good to my kids but I was pleasantly surprised that my 8 & 10yr old laughing so hard to the point of tears. Of course my 2 younger ones were bored.As for me... I thought the show was hilarious. I'm not big into role play games but even I could appreciate the plot. Definitely will be getting the DVD when it comes out and making my friends and family watch this great and funny show. I recommend this show to everyone who loved shows like Hot Rod and Napolean Dynamite.
Lauren Carpenter I had to travel about four hours to see this movie, but it was worth it. I happen to be a gamer, but you don't have to be one to enjoy this movie. It plays up all the gamer stereotypes, but the humor is universal. They don't get into game mechanics or terminology much, so anyone can understand it. The characters are so funny. The way they react to certain situations is priceless. I was laughing so hard, and I was not the only one. Everyone in our entire theater was laughing. The humor was goofy, but I don't think it was too over-the-top. I was an instant fan. I highly recommend seeing it if you are even remotely close to a theater that is playing it.
brandi-mensinger This movie was a hit with everyone I know that's seen it. It's a perfect movie for families - not too risqué and has jokes that kids and adults can both appreciate. It's friendly, well-written, honestly laugh-out-loud funny, and you don't even have to know what LARPing is to enjoy the entire movie. The first scene perfectly outlines the characters and sets the stage for the rest of the movie. From the very beginning you know who to be routing for. The acting was top notch considering the actors have little feature film experience (with the exception of Jon Gries). Definitely a movie I would recommend for all ages.