Unfinished Sky
Unfinished Sky
| 04 August 2007 (USA)
Unfinished Sky Trailers

An Outback farmer takes in an Afghani woman who has fled from a brothel.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
birck I agree with most of the comments on this film-it is very Australian, in spite of its Dutch/Polish roots, the acting is spot-on, with one possible exception, the chemistry between the two leads is palpable, and there are no false notes right up to the end. One quibble another reviewer had is about the cop that shows up unbidden every time something unusual goes down at the main character's house which is, to say the least, off the beaten track and not on anybody's nightly rounds. That happens two or three times in the film. The connection seemed pretty clear to me from the first. Another reviewer mentioned the tacit acceptance of human trafficking in the local metropolis (Boonah and/or Beaudesert, near Brisbane). There's your answer. The only problem I had with the film is its ending. It wraps up one major story point, but opens up two or three new ones, then leaves them unresolved: After a life-and-death struggle (I won't say with whom) the two main characters are left alive, reunited and intact at the end, all dressed up-he's wearing a suit for the first time-but in what is clearly a jail or detention center of some kind, although they are not behind bars. Who is "inside" and who is out is not made clear. Where did this come from? True-she's an undocumented alien, and now that her main concern has been resolved, maybe she's just planning to leave Australia for home, but none of that has come up before, and why is he wearing a suit? What is about to happen? Are they getting married, or what? The two main characters have been bonding slowly until this point-and suddenly it's all over? There may be a simple answer, but the scene was so unexpected that it seemed like a damaged print. That startling non-ending is my only reason for giving the film a "7" instead of a 9 or 10.
nicol19 John Woldring is an honest Australian Outback sheep-farmer and he leads an isolated life. Suddenly an exotic women turns up at night, armed and frightened out of her wits. He takes her in, grumpily resists her romantic overtures but allows her to become his housekeeper. Gradually he finds out she's an Afghan refugee, looking for other illegally emigrated relatives. He tries to help her quest, but they soon experience the human traffickers are on her track, and better connected then John could guess.Good movie. Liked the cast.
dlldeano i thoroughly enjoyed this film. history would suggest Aussie made films aren't generally of the highest caliber - mad max(mad max 1 that is) aside. But as an Aussie myself i will allow myself to be critical of Aussie movies. so to watch this film was a delight. this film had a great back drop - rural Australia - and didn't under or overplay that aspect of the film. Was a lot of money spent making this movie - no - but that would be true to the film - a gritty and very good Australian film. The film also contains a little something for most, with an element of romance and suspense thrown into this drama. The plot tag also suggests she flees a brothel which sounds very cliché but isn't accurate in relation to where she is fleeing from at the beginning of the film. Give it a try - great film.
Tim Johnson I do not think another country in the world could make Unfinished Sky; it is a film rooted in this country and to try and replant it somewhere else would simply kill it.Diane and I watched it in Perth at Paradiso this morning and we both were moved by it and thought the film provoking and demanding of our attention. It is a worthy successor to, what now has become an Australian genre, such films (in no particular order) Japanese Story, Oyster Farmer, Peaches, Paperback Hero: in short, films that examine Australian life with no apologies to anyone. Offhand I cannot recall other countries whose cinema so carefully dissects its own people as our filmmakers do regularly. This examination does not focus on the Big Pictures of human existence; rather they examine the minutia of people's existence; the events that do not involve car chases or fights or explosions but whose existence presupposes an individual examination of small events that cause huge reverberations on the individuals involved. And isn't this what happens day in and day out to all of us? People might think my comments daft after viewing a film involving illegal aliens, shootings, road accidents (unseen) accidental death(again unseen)as being a little over-the-top for your average suburban dweller. However, only a casual reading of the newspaper will give more examples of these all too human events than this movie contains. I, nor my wife, saw anything in this story that was too much for reality. Rather we saw superb actors bringing a sad story to the screen that, as I said, provided ample script to chew on after the credits rolled.Hendrickx and McInnes acted so well; the movie is worth seeing just to watch their portrayal of two people thrown together and living now with each other's difficult pasts. The symbolism of the empty sky, as alluded to in the movie's title, plays a particular role in the story and, as I am sure the viewers will appreciate, becomes increasingly important as glue by which the entire film holds together.I am sure any viewer will be captivated by this film and will have been grateful to have seen it.