Ultimate Teacher
Ultimate Teacher
| 06 February 1988 (USA)
Ultimate Teacher Trailers

At a run down school the "Ultimate Teacher" Ganpachi is sent to get things back on track and prepare the delinquent students for the real world. But the students don't want Ganpachi ruining the gang they got going so their boss, Hinako, fights back Ganpachi aided by her secret power...her lucky kitty underwear. Things get more interesting when we findout Ganpachi is the result of genetic experiments.

Cortechba Overrated
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
chribren "Ultimate Teacher" is an Action/Comedy Anime OVA from 1988, directed by Toyoo Ashida. This anime runs for nearly one hour.Basic plot: Ganpachi Chabane, also called "Ultimate Teacher", is the new teacher sent to a run down school called Emperor High School. There he even makes the delinquent students to get prepared to the real world. The students just don't want to get ruined by Ganpachi, so their sweet, young boss named Hinako Shiratori (a high school girl) takes up a battle against the evil Ganpachi. But soon Hinako gets to learn that Ganpachi is a result of some genetic experiments...This anime has to be the most hilarious funny anime I've seen by director Toyoo Ashida so far, also known for "Vampire Hunter D" (1985) and "Fist of the North Star" (1986). Several of the fight scenes are just so weird, you just can't take this film seriously. This is an action/comedy/anime after all. But, let's not turn away from the fact this anime even has a few scenes of fan-service.However, the version I saw right back in 2011 was the original Japanese version, in which the credits are in Japanese.Becaust of the fun in general throughout this anime, my overall rating has to be 8/10.
Glenn Andreiev I'm usually not a fan of animae, but I do love this quirky, very funny animated adventure comedy from Japan. A lab mishap turns a household cockroach into a mean spirited inner city high school principal. Some of his dialog is just wonderful (Cockroach Principal to Teacher asking why he clings to walls when he walks `I love walls. This is such a lovely wall.') The Cockroach is pitted against a super school girl with extreme crime fighting powers and a weakness for charlie-horses. Totally out of left field and great fun because of it.
opium_nick This is one of those films that was made for people who already love manga. If you dont see the title "Ultimate Teacher" and think "I've gotta see that" then this isn't the film for you! It simply takes those odd really Japanese bits that come across as pretty stupid in most manga and makes an entire film out of them. This film is dumb and completely rediculous with a few scenes that were hillarious and moments that just make you go "WTF?!" plus some super-dodgy dubbing and animation. Not exactly a masterpiece (!) but a perfect film if you're an anime fan and in the mood for a good laugh with some mates.
gaz_murfin This is undoubtedly the most surreal film you`re ever likely to see. A combination of bad dubbing, genius comedy and typical Japanese manga make this a must see for anyone who finds ridiculous things funny. I bought it when I was 14, and now 7 years later its still amazing, but on a different level - all this from a manga film?