Twice Two
Twice Two
NR | 25 February 1933 (USA)
Twice Two Trailers

A year prior to the first scene, Stan married Ollie's sister, and Ollie married Stan's sister in a double wedding. They all live together and Stan and Ollie work in the same office.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Hitchcoc The boys marry the sisters of their partner. So Ollie is Stan's wife (in drag of course) and vice versa. The women have the same personalities as their brothers (make sense?) and so they have some of the same issues as the boys. Since it is their first anniversary, the ladies decide to have a party rather than go out. Nothing goes right, including Hardy's sister getting a cake in the face. The funniest scene involves Stanley going to the corner to get some ice cream and some phone calls he has to make because the store doesn't have the flavors they are looking for (for obvious reasons, which I won't let on). The strength of this hilarious little episode is the intersection among the "four" characters. Wonderful stuff.
rooster_davis I hadn't seen this L&H "Twice Two" before but I find myself re-watching it on my DVR as a better effort by them than some of their other better-known short films. Yes, the dubbing of the womens' voices is not perfect but that is hardly a problem. There is so much more that IS good: The sound effects are great - when Stan's wife (played by Ollie) gets a cake dumped on her - twice - or when eating supper and she claims the noise she is making is not her slurping the soup, but "it's my asthma..." and then lets loose with a noise that sounds like an elephant snorting through a ditch pipe. Of course Ollie's reaction to his sister's 'asthma' noise is a puzzled stare into the camera.Stanley was great too, playing Ollie's wife. You have to watch closely but he made some of the best faces I've ever seen him do.I'll never say it's their very best but this is much better than some L&H things that I've seen. Late in their career Oliver Hardy seemed to be too fat to do the physical comedy and the stories were not even believable from a comedy standpoint. This early short is funny and I enjoyed it.
MartinHafer To me, this is one of the team's creepier and less funny shorts. Stan and Ollie play dual roles--they play themselves and female versions of themselves. According to the strange plot, Stan and Ollie both have sisters that look exactly like them in drag AND they both marry each other's sister! Aside from being a very unbelievable and contrived idea for a short, it was also pretty weird seeing Stan and Ollie in drag and then marrying the other!! To make matters worse, the wives (in particular, the female version of Stanley) have horrid voices--the type that could get any person to stick an icepick in their ears to stop the pain!!! The novelty of the idea wears off pretty quickly, as the film features far fewer laughs than their average short. It frankly isn't one of their better efforts and is pretty skip-able unless you are like me--a die-hard fan. For a similar type movie where the boys play dual roles, try watching the much funnier and better-made BRATS. In this film, Stan and Ollie play themselves and their kids. Technically speaking, this is an amazing film to watch and is a film worth seeing.
Snow Leopard In "Twice Two", Laurel and Hardy each play a dual role, with the idea being that they have each married the other one's sister. It's a creative setup, and they are both pretty good as the spouses. (The men do the acting, with the voices dubbed in by women.) Most of it takes place as the four have dinner together, and plays off of the tangled relationships among them. It is slower paced than usual, and is not really as funny as their best films. It's still worth watching, although it is probably of interest primarily to those who are already Laurel and Hardy fans.