True Women
True Women
| 18 May 1997 (USA)
True Women Trailers

True Women is a sweeping saga of love, war and adventure. Spanning five decades from the Texas Revolution through the Civil War, Reconstruction and beyond, True Women is the story of the love, friendship, survival and triumphs

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
tradereight Awful - terrible acting (and accents!)by the "leading" ladies, terrible editing and story telling. Gone With The Wind told the story better regarding the Civil War. Potential was there given the concept and time span covered in the book. I found moments to where I was just "zoned out" during the film given the lack of connecting the story lines. Filmed in Texas the movie did have a sweeping "scenic" and historic feel. Of course the themes through the story include Indian relations and slavery. This is the first Jolie film I've ever watched (don't care for her) and it will be the last. Thankfully I watched it on TV and didn't pay to see it.
padutchland-1 Some could say this is a feel good film for women. And I guess it is indeed a movie that women's rights types could focus upon to reinforce their views. However, the movie went beyond that narrow thought line. I'm an old geezer with no fear of strong women, and this film was full of them. OK, the book was written by a woman, the movie directed by a woman, the main characters filled by women and there were a few put-downs of men. But the film was so well done that it made no difference. I'm a long time fan of rough and tumble Westerns and this one did not disappoint. It was cleverly put together to appeal to both men and women. It brought forth many elements including strong, resourceful characters, action-packed tempo, sensuality, meaningful dialog, ideals, top notch acting and much more. Much of the movie covers the women holding down their homes and land while the men are of fighting the Texas Revolution at the Alamo and Goliad all the way through the aftermath of the American Civil War. They fight off Indian attacks and other dangers. You cannot, I repeat, you cannot - go wrong watching this movie! OK, now let me get into the actors and actresses themselves. The lead of Sarah was played by Dana Delany and what a professional job. Performances don't get much better. She has had a long line of successes from Broadway and Off Broadway, China Beach TV show with two Emmy awards and movie success as well. Her husband was played by Powers Boothe who was usually off fighting a battle instead of protecting the home front, which seems to be the theme of the movie for the women. Annabeth Gish did a powerful job playing the adult Euphemia. No relation to the Gish sisters, although who knows if she checks her roots. I want to say something about the girl playing Euphemia as a child. Wow! What a bright and professional job was done by Tina Majorino. She was only 11 or 12 at the time and already a growing star. She did not overact her part, she nailed it just right. I remembered her playing the little girl in Waterworld but she also featured in When a Man Loves a Woman, Corrina, Corrina and more recently Napoleon Dynamite. With such a bright future, she will hopefully not get side tracked by the usual Hollywood nonsense and achieve great things. She certainly has the talent. The other young girl was Rachael Leigh Cook who played young Georgia. A beautiful girl who gave a haunting performance as a girl caught between being White and Indian. Angelina Jolie as Georgia? Well, what can I say about Angelina, daughter of Jon Voight? She is a good actress but she is immersed in that Hollywood madness. There were many others of course and there were a couple of quick parts too - John Schneider of Dukes of Hazard played Sam Houston and Lizzie McGuire's Hillary Duff was in this first movie as an extra. The story was engrossing, the acting outstanding and the time well spent - see this one!
BabyGenius . . . but its one flaw is too glaring to permit that. The problem: The plot is *insane*. Within the first twenty minutes of the movie, the main character, somewhere-around-ten-year-old Euphemia, has been orphaned and uprooted from her home, The Alamo has fallen to Mexican soldiers, and the wives and children of the Texan army have to high-tail it to . . . erm, somewhere else. The movie reads kind of like one of those stories written by bored fifth-graders who pass around a piece of paper, each putting down a sentence without being allowed to see what just happened, and it doesn't come close to making sense. What emerges in this case is a repeating sequence of menacing-looking guys showing up on horseback and causing, whether deliberately or indirectly, the demise of a handful of supporting characters.What could obviously have been a seventeenth-rate TV movie was saved by spectacular performances from each and every member of the cast. Dana Delany is the ideal big sister, reassuring and confident, but allows us occasional glimpses at her fear and grief that save the role of Sarah from being stereotyped and make it touching and very real. Annabeth Gish endows her character Euphemia with just the right combination of sincerity, compassion, and stubbornness to keep her believable and endearing.(NOTE: ONE SMALL SPOILER COMING UP IN THIS PARAGRAPH)I have never seen Angelina Jolie act in anything else (unless you count trailers), but her absolutely flawless performance here as Georgia has instantly made her one of my favorite actresses. She's flexible enough to infuse many of her lines in this very serious movie with a charming brand of ironic humor ("I'll be old before I'm twenty-five and dead before I'm thirty!") and convey absolute rock-bottom misery literally two scenes later. I have never cried harder than I did while watching Georgia struggle through her tears to sing her dying child to sleep.(FURTHER NOTE: THE SPOILER'S OVER) I could go on and praise the specific high points of every actor in the movie, but suffice it to say that the performances are perfect and more than make up for the out-there plot and flat script. Even were it not for that fact (sorry, opinion, I guess), I strongly recommend - nay, I insist (lol) - that anybody with even a remote interest in costume see this movie. The pioneer women wear really boring clothes (except Euphemia once dons a very strange and very ugly hat), but spoiled plantation girl Georgia's gowns are real works of art.
grnfroge Janice Woods Windle who wrote the book about her family history did a great job of putting it on a tv mini series. All the actresses as in Delany, Gish, Jolie, Majorino and Cook were greatly acted in the movie. Stuggling the life of being women and life of the battle of love and war. Now that's good History.