| 18 July 1997 (USA)
Troops Trailers

Stormtroopers on Tattooine show us what life is like patrolling and law-upholding on the sandy planet. While being filmed for the hit Imperial TV show TROOPS, Stormtroopers from the infamous Black Sheep Squadron on patrol run into some very familiar characters.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
HeadlinesExotic Boring
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
General Urko Its not easy patrolling hostile Tatooine territory & laying done the law but someones got to do it! This fly on the wall documentary follows a group of Stormtroopers on patrol & their encounters with scum & villainy. Welcome to Troops!This is probably the most well known of all the many Star Wars 'fan-films' & deservedly so as it is a highly entertaining spoof of Cops & the innumerable reality police shows clogging up our telly schedules. These guys are just ordinary Joes doing their job, & what a job! Jawas dealing in stolen droids, domestic disputes between moisture farmers & their wives are all in a days work for these hard working representatives of the Empire. Unlike some fan-films this has a real high-budget feel to it helped by the authentic costumes, decent acting, locations & familiar fly-on-the-wall filming technique. Of course, this is a must for Star Wars fans with revelations about certain events in A New Hope. However, those not familiar with the films may still find this an enjoyable mickey-take of real life cop shows.Complaints? It isn't long enough! After ten all to quick minutes your going to be hungry for more real-life adventures of those misunderstood & underappreciated galactic law-enforcers the Troops!
Jediluke When I first saw it I couldn't believe this was done by an "amateur crew". You can actually believe it could be some lost footage of the original Star Wars film. Lucas should give these guys a job doing the new sequels. Excellent, hilarious and great fun for everybody. Can't wait for the sequel.
Avery This film is so cleverly funny it's hard to explain. You could quite easily fit this into Star Wars IV A New Hope as it explains a couple of things within the film, including who really killed Uncle Owen & Aunt Beru. It also has the thumbs up from George Lucas. If you are a true Star Wars fan you must download this film at all costs. Every Star Wars fan MUST own a copy of this movie!!!!!!
sunkorg One of the funniest film parodies I've seen. I'd love it if this short could precede all Star Wars films shown on the big screen. Tons of laughs.
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