R | 28 June 2000 (USA)
Trixie Trailers

Passed over at work and numbed after she witnesses a colleague's murder, security guard Trixie Zurbo takes a relatively easy job at a lakefront casino, working undercover keeping an eye out for pickpockets. Trixie meets an assortment of colorful regulars: Kirk Stans, the casino's lounge act who drinks too much and is a dead-on mimic; Ruby Pearli , a glamorous, young and knowledgeable barfly; and Dex Lang, a raffish ladies' man who pays attention to Trixie in a way that's hard for her to ignore.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Nonureva Really Surprised!
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
sddavis63 What more can I say. This movie is simply a disaster from beginning to end. The acting is terrible, even from the "big names" - Nick Nolte and Nathan Lane, both of whom looked through most of the movie as if they'd really rather be anywhere but on this set. Someone somehow got the idea that a movie about a woman who wants to be a private investigator but who isn't very bright and can never seem to choose the right word at the right time would be funny. Believe me - it isn't.A typical "funny" line from the script sums it up well: "I'd like a black pot of coffee, please." "Sorry, we only have silver pots." Maybe there's something wrong with my sense of humour, but folks - that really isn't funny. In fairness I suppose there were a couple of moments. When Trixie makes the boys who tried to mug her undress at gunpoint and kiss the ground - OK, I smiled a bit. And the encounter between Senator Avery (Nolte) and Trixie's friend Ruby (Brittany Murphy) at the restaurant was amusing, but I honestly can't think of anything else that tickled my funny bone, and in the end I just found myself looking repeatedly at my watch wishing this thing would end. (At almost two hours it is just interminable.)About halfway through the movie Sen. Avery looks at Trixie and says "I just don't see the point." A feeling shared by anyone who watches this movie and then wonders why it was ever made.Because of the two chuckles I mentioned above I'd like to give this 1.5/10, but - alas - there's no half point here at IMDb. And it just doesn't reach the necessary heights to gain a 2, so there's no option - 1/10.
Hap Trout (HapRay) When I first saw the lineup of actors in this film, I was thinking, "How bad can it be"? Well, I found out. It wanders all over the place and wastes some "major" talent who all fell by the wayside trying to react to the writer-director's desires. It has never been made clearer that a director makes the movie, and not the actors, than in this uneven waste of time.With the lone exception of the treatment Nick Nolte receives at the hand of a tramp at his dinner table, I would remember very little.Just "trust me" ( I hate that line, but...) when I tell you that you have better things to do. If you are a BIG fan of Emily Watson, than go ahead, but other than that, there is no reason to bother with this mindless drivel. I have critiqued a few other movies and been complimented on my synopsis, so you can rely on this recommendation.It looks to me like our director was "calling in" some favors.
Paul Creeden I have an idea. Mr. Rudolph, whose production history has been less than profound, should make a movie about the making of "Trixie". It is bound to be more fascinating than the film itself. I would pay money to see Emily Watson, Nick Nolte and Nathan Lane explain that they agreed to do this project on artistic grounds. Great script? Deep character development? Big check? I really am at a loss to imagine that real story. This film is annoying, badly filmed, poorly written and simply horrid. It is so bad, that it couldn't even attract a cult following of the lovers of the worst camp. And the talent! The wasted talent! Unbelievable. There are artistic geniuses waiting on tables in New York and L.A., while big stars are making this junk. Perhaps this film's only value is its exemplary illustration of what damage Hollywood ego can actualize in the film industry. If you see this film anywhere, run. That's the kindest advice I could give you.
thebounciestcastle Easily one of the worst movies I've ever seen, (and that's saying a lot considering that I've seen a lot of bad movies) Trixie makes you want to stick your hand in boiling water just 10 minutes into it. I honestly became so bored while watching it that I began staring at the ceiling hoping the movie would end - but it didn't! The 'comedy' in the movie surely didn't make me laugh - instead it made me want to wretch and cringe at how dirty I felt just for watching it! My emotions ranged from curiosity (at how someone could write such crap), boredom (at several points in the movie, I thought about how a test pattern would be more entertaining), and stupefied horror at how long this movie lasted. 'What a waste,' I said to myself as hit the eject button before that lousy excuse for a movie ended. As I drove the movie back, I wondered,'What sort of moron would direct, act, write, or green light that movie?'* When I arrived at the rental place, I felt a sense of shame and embarrassment as I awkwardly jammed the movie in the return slot. I really hope no one saw me.*This is a part of my theory of why there are so many endangered species out there; Hollywood has collected them all up and is letting write and direct movies!