| 22 October 2004 (USA)
Trespassing Trailers

A graduate student preparing his thesis on mythology leads his friends on a research expedition to an old plantation estate on the outskirts of the Big Easy. The site is reputed to mysteriously cause madness and death to all who enter it.

InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
eringobraugh86 The storyline says the curse began on a plantation where an evil madame practiced experiments on her slaves. Further than that, she was discovered as a witch because her cook was chained to the stove and started a fire. The fire department came to help and discovered a room where they found some slaves dead, some alive, and some not even recognized as human anymore.Here is where my spoiler alert ends, and a little knowledge is dropped on you. For the less educated, who simply say this is another chainsaw massacre, jeepers creepers, or "done to death" teen slasher, I'd like to say that I mean no offense in the "less educated" comment. It is actually true, only because I have studied the case of Madame Delphine LaLaurie of the New Orleans French Quarter. You haven't studied her or her sadistic behaviors, so you would never know that this film is actually based on a real person and real events.Madame LaLaurie's parents were killed by slaves in the Haiti Revolution, she married 3 times, had 2 daughters, and her last husband was a doctor. She was THE aristocratic woman to be in the 18oos, but disdained her slaves. She murdered many, and buried them in the floors and walls of her home, as well as tossed them down the well in their courtyard.Voodoo Queen, Marie Laveau, taught her voodoo. She then branched out as a Satan worshiper. When the cook set fire to the home, she was chained to the stove. She did so because her grandson was being sent to the attic, where no slave ever returned.Madame would try to practice sex changes on her slaves, would scramble their brains with iron rods, break there bones and reset them to look like sea creatures and then jam them in cages for medium sized dogs, peel their skin back to watch stages of infection, sew mouths shut with fecal matter packed inside, sew body parts of slaves to other slaves, and more... all while the slaves would be alive.She did all of this with the help of her henchman, Sebastian, who was a slave who was also her lover, and kept his rank by doing harm to others for her pleasure. When she was discovered as a monster after the fire, they took off in her carriage across lake Pontchartrain. They were never heard from again, and there is no agreed upon proof of whether she returned to France, died across the lake, or any sort of outcome. Legend says she still practiced her dark magic across the lake, had followers, and lived her days out there. There are still people who go to practice along the lake banks, and make sacrifices to Madame, who was believed a witch.
reeves2002 I wasn't sure about this low budget horror movie for the longest time because I have to admit I didn't like the DVD cover art on it.It makes the movie look cheap and b-rated. I like the movie's alternate title called trespassing which is what they all did. I was surprised to learn I actually liked the movie and found it to be chilling and interesting.The opening scene reminded me a lot of the opening of a movie called hatred of a minute which was also about a boy being physically abused and then grows up to be a monster. And then it's 20 years later and we meet the rest of the cast.After all the humor and some lame dialog happens, 2 brothers and 3 friends go up to investigate an area that was rumored to be haunted and cursed after many tragic occurrences took place over the years.It was as soon as they entered the house that the movie got eerie and started to get frightening. It is an effective ghost story with lots of tension and a creepy soundtrack.I was watching this movie late at night all alone so I guess it may have had an effect on me, and either my mind was playing tricks on me or there was a presence in my apartment. For an independent and low budget film it did seem like one of the better ones.
Capt_Horror To be fair, it was watchable. The thing that annoyed me mostly with this movie is that it was very slow moving, the character's you never really got any inside depth of so you was left with that neutral feeling of you don't care if they LIVE or DIE. The acting was somewhat to be desired but what do you expect when they probably picked a handful of people from the street and gave them a few hours to remember their lines. The thing that amused me the most was the actual DVD box, on the back it says "Scarier than CABIN FEVER, more terrifying than JEEPERS CREEPERS" - LOL what planet is this guy from, first off he picked 2 lousy examples of horror movies to compare with and second off it was NEITHER!
screwdriver A little summary of this movie... a student and a few of his friends, a camera man(his brother), sound man(the guy who is supposed to be funny) and two lesbians, go up to a plantation which is supposedly "cursed" to write a thesis. According to the myth.."whoever trespasses will be taken over by some spirit type thing" giving that person urges and filling them with rage... Now first off I must point out that at the end of the movie I thought to myself, "that was it?" The end of the film was lacking... the plot made no sense what so ever and nothing was explained... I guess they just wanted to keep everyone wondering. The filming was kind of shaky.. I don't know if anyone else noticed that. Maybe it was just me? The lighting, in my opinion was terrible. Basically I give this movie a 0.. it left me feeling confused and I'm almost positive I should have turned it off after the first 20 minutes or so.