| 25 December 2007 (USA)
Transmutators Trailers

In a time when mutants and behemoth alien warriors have come to a rule, a rebel group of survivors must embrace mega fighting machines to take on intergalactic invaders threatening humanity.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
dmuel Resiklo is a sci-fi flick about the future where aliens are enslaving humans, though not without some resistance. The plot involves resistance in the Philipines, where hero-type Commander Crisval is much feared and despised by the invaders. Part "Road Warrior", part "Transformers",, well a few other familiar movies came to mind while watching it, Resiklo is not bad for a Filipino movie, if you've seen many recently. The title, which means "recycle", seems to have ecological significance, but don't as me to explain. In spite of violent themes, this is basically a family movie, one the middle school boys might enjoy. While not up to American standards, the special effects are not bad. Some of the corniest aspects of the movie come from its desire to have "cool" dialog; this made the movie more entertaining, but not the way the producers had intended.
alijuly1st Oh well, what can I say, as someone who is involved in movie production, I keep a certain level of lenience when it comes to films that dares to be different with regards to how the story is told. If you strip a particular movie to its core, basically, its no different to any other movie out there, good or bad, Oscar winner or Razzie winner, its, like I said, how its told and that's the main thing that separates the good from the bad ones.Going back to Resiklo, I must say it started out OK, the opening sequences were fine, though, that huge meteor looked so animated, but the succeeding sequences were good, especially the explosions on earth viewed from outer space. The whole movie starts to falter when we meet the protagonist, good ole' Sen. Bong Revilla, oh man, he's too old to be playing roles like this. So, we see him walking in this huge wasteland, supposedly caused by the alien invasion (which Im also assuming has happened a while back) and we see him in this weird attire yet his face looked like he just stepped out from the Senate. I mean, where is characterization here? Should you look at least, say, filthy, unshaven, haggard and stinking if your world was devastated? I'm sorry, but from the moment I saw him, it all went downhill for me. And as more as we get to know him, the less we feel empathy for him. The screenplay and direction was, pardon me for the word, inept. It was so conscious in making scenes stand out and polished that the director forgot how to organically weave all these scenes.The supporting cast were lousy, especially his sons. Their acting was cliché and never really served any purpose to the movie. The only interesting character that came pretty close to convincing was Empress Schuck, but sadly hers was poorly developed. The only thing consistent was making the antagonist as less interesting and boring as the protagonist, at least in that regard, both were balanced.The screenplay was laughable, and I had my loudest cackle when Sen. Bong says' "over-staying na kayo, dapat na kayong ideport!" What a line! The Christmas sub plot wasn't organically weaved into the story, Mark Reyes should've stayed on this subject, and it would've made the whole story interesting and relatable. That whole "singing/praying" montage was just for show and it felt an MTV that didn't belong to the movie.As for the dull climax, well, there's nothing much to say, except that you know what will happen. I mean, there's a certain level of predictability in every movie, but how it takes its course is where the ingenuity of the storyteller comes into play.
Tractor Trailer Pros: The CG is quite decent and very good for Philippine movie standards. The designs are good and production value is quite high (again, going by Philippine movie standards). Although, the anime-style (exagerrated form over function) costume for the humans looks too tacky and doesn't work very well on the big screen. The robot fight scene was fun and looked great.Cons: EXPOSITION, EXPOSITION, EXPOSITION. The director is a horrible storyteller and everything is done through exposition. The dialogue and acting will make you roll your eyes and cringe multiple times throughout. Poor character development, in fact a lot of the characters are unnecessary. Motivations for most characters aren't even expressed at all. Inconsistent tone. Comic relief scenes are scattered everywhere, all of them very corny.
marloki22 Resiklo or Recycle. Resiklo is "BASICALLY" an Alien Invasion were there is one standing to unite and fight the aliens. Crisval (Ramon Revilla Jr), a military who lost his wife and daughter during AI(Alien Invasion), his character is not so convincing since there are plenty of flaws that are so obvious though his fight scenes near the end of the story are quite amusing seeing the Leader of the Mutanos and him brawling ,at what I see a large Pole, because I began to see Jackie Chan in his RH3.Angelo (Dingdong Dantes), son of the mayor of the last city of Philippines "Paraiso" and a member of some errand men together with Crisval. some of his fighting scenes are...... lame.... especially the last fight against AInvaders wherein he is on his (originally Crisval's Resiklo Robot) robot and he says "....Pull Out!", if a military man heard this command what do you think they would do? Obviously pull out which in layman's term is "Move Back" or "Retreat" but in the movie they move forward (-wtf) and reality check, who would even think to get out of his armored recycle robot just to fight a "mutanos" (Mutant human with supposed to be had an enormous strength or whatsoever).and Bianca (Jennylyn Mercado), What the heck is she doing in that movie, i can't feel her presence and i don't know why. there is this one funny thing i could never forget about her (the scene with Crisval near the end of the movie)wherein she asked Crisval "..Sino si Patricio?" (There is no Patricio involve in that film it was supposed to be Patricia, the daughter of Crisval who died during AI) and Crisval answered her it was his daughter. I just laughed but silently.I will move to the whole movie, CGI are great I cannot believe that there someone who can creates those things but still it was so so, Bong should stop dreaming when he SHouted out loud that it was on a Level of Hollywood film (Maybe during 80's Starwars era) the Robots seemed lightweights that they don't leave any footprints on the sands (What IS Up!), the fighting scenes are ALL LAMES stop using your children BONG, they don't even help, at least Dd Dantes carry them over. Please Don't rush out the film (for the sequel) it will be one of the movie we could be proud of (But i cannot)let it be polished first before showing because only children would love not US (CGI-Film/Animation artist). and Lastly the story is ................. very fast phased can't you not make it at least 2plus hours so that you don't have to quicken every scenes make it more crispier.For the folks who wish to watch the film on big Screen, don't waste your money instead wait for the pirated version >:) because for us this movie cost only 40 php but if you still wanna peek the movie just be an idiot once the film start so that you can enjoy the film.