Tracy Morgan: Staying Alive
Tracy Morgan: Staying Alive
| 16 May 2017 (USA)
Tracy Morgan: Staying Alive Trailers

In his first special since his serious car accident, Tracy Morgan cracks jokes about life in a coma, his second marriage and his family's dark side.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
dfrtfttytygvhtytyyt needs to rethink his career choice of stand-up comedy and stick with material that somebody else wrote for her. This stand-up is not funny or entertaining at all. There are some female comics I really enjoy that can pull off raunchy comedy with a lot of humor. Amy was just raunchy to be raunchy and not funny at all. After watching this I felt like Ace Ventura after he found out Einhorn was a man. Had to vomit, burn the clothes I was wearing, try to plunger the show out of my head, and just sat in the shower trying to wash this show away. So bad. So awful. Doesn't even deserve 1 star.
dfrgtwssdedeewdeed he used to be funny but this "special" is beyond awful. I was at one point embarrassed for this young guy as it was so unfunny and at times very awkward. he has had shows that were funny but this is not one of those. If you want to watch a good comedy special SKIP this one because that is time you'll never get back!!
mayteyork I'd have to seriously question the professional judgment of the Netflix team that saw this past the ideas stage! I'm assuming that they are all her friends or they divvied up her paycheck!My question is: How is this person a household name? Thankfully, nobody I know or am connected with openly admits to liking his unique talent for attention seeking!
zlicedrto but this special is by far the least funny thing he has ever done.He had some good jokes.There's one about auto-erotic asphyxiation that was really good(even though I saw the punch line coming a mile away) and a couple times he mentions all the horrible things happening in the world, like that it's raining in the forests. Those were the only times he was really funny in this special. The most disappointing part is that he reused a few old jokes