PG-13 | 28 April 2016 (USA)
Traceroute Trailers

Artist and life-long nerd Johannes Grenzfurthner is taking us on a personal road trip from the West Coast to the East Coast of the USA, to introduce us to places and people that shaped and inspired his art and politics. Traceroute wants to chase and question the ghosts of nerddom's past, present and future. An exhilarating tour de farce into the guts of trauma, obsession and cognitive capitalism. Features interviews with Matt Winston, Sandy Stone, Bruce Sterling, Jason Scott, Christina Agapakis, Trevor Paglen, Ryan Finnigan, Kit Stubbs, V. Vale, Sean Bonner, Allison Cameron, Josh Ellingson, Maggie Mayhem, Paolo Pedercini, Steve Tolin, Dan Wilcox, Jon Lebkowsky, Jan "Varka" Mulders, Adam Flynn, Abie Hadjitarkhani, Kelly Poots...

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Ignaz Donner Traceroute is an autobiographical film. You might even call it a cinematic essay. Johannes talks about his own past and future, but also the past and future of a class that is now dominating the globe: the nerds. There are many films for (and about) nerds out there, but this one is not about Superman and Star Wars and Donkey Kong, but science, politics, even sex. It is wonderful to see how candid the film approaches the subject matter. Being a nerd means: creativity, visions, openness to experimentation, subversion - and not only regarding program code and video games, but regarding society, values and ideologies.
ishan-49104 The problem with "nerd culture" is that it neglects politics; the problem with most politics is that it neglects the implications that technology has, at least in this day and age. Traceroute combines the two, and for that, it's valuable. And don't be discouraged by the thought "I don't even know this person, why do I care about his life or journey?" Don't care about the person; the journey has elements and themes that everyone will find relevant. Not only is it very informative about things in science, tech and culture you probably didn't know about, but it weaves that together into questions about greater social systems that are universal for everyone in society. Only complaint is that I at least would have enjoyed a bit more time spent on the East Coast, but apart from that, completely worth checking out!
lauramonch As someone who was a supernerd and then kind of just accidentally stopped being one (all before the age of 15), I've kind of felt disconnected to the 'hard core' nerd- side of life. I don't get 50% of the references my nerd/geek friends make, I haven't watched the majority of mandatory nerd films and I wish I could persuade myself to take up online gaming, but I just can't be arsed (pardon my French). HOWEVERThis was a super fun documentary, very candid and not overly stylized. Of course: you need to have a certain interest in the subject and it helps if you know the things they're referencing to. But I've found that it's also extremely funny because of the very sharp sense of humour and the diversity of the people the visit. Nicely done!
Peter Brubaker Traceroute is a really well, put together documentary film. It is shot nicely with good sound and edited in a sublime manner to captivate the audience and keep us interested throughout the two hour run time. Not once did I ever get bored, I joined Johannes and his companions on a once-in-a-lifetime trip, and I totally enjoyed my time with them.If you do so happen to be lucky enough to be given the chance to watch this documentary, embrace the geek in yourself and make sure you do. I did and I REALLY loved it.Traceroute – a fantastic documentary, though I will never look at cheese the same way again. Bleugh.
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