Tower of the First Born
Tower of the First Born
PG-13 | 01 May 2007 (USA)
Tower of the First Born Trailers

Despite her friends' warnings, a woman travels to the Sahara, determined to find her missing archaeologist father and the magical tower he was searching for. Aided by a mysterious prince, she battles outlaws and the desert's harsh conditions.

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
jason-1859 This movie is one of the WORST movies I've had the misfortune to watch in a long time. The acting is cheezy and the characters are cliché, irritating and randomly killed off throughout the movie. The only thing worse than the actors posing with tears in their eyes is the mushy male-bonding moments. The director needed to CUT half this movie, just to make it bearable. Lots of sand, riding across the sand, people passing out in the sand, and dying. In the sand. They never really explain the legend behind the title, nor does the movie actually involve the tower, except in a very deux ex machina way. Horribly planned and filmed. Bad technical codes. At one point a guy is poisoned and shot but still kills a fort full of men and then carries a girl across the desert without water. And he's one of the more better-rounded characters. Before he DIES!! The plot-line wanders uncontrollably, and it is LONG! Before getting to the end, you want to kill the sappy main characters and then kill yourself just to end the misery!! Unbelievably unrealistic and painful. So sad it's almost funny, but never, never again. Just walk away. Fast. Don't say you weren't warned.
RDrrr Peter Weller (RoboCop) is in this movie... well, we all have to work to pay our bills. The movie is just not even what I'd charitably call a 'B' movie... it is tortuously drawn out... not well written, not Hollywood-made (and if you value 'indies' above Hollywood, then this is still even below Hollywood-made)... simply sub-par. I picked this up as a rental hoping it would be an Indiana Jones (or something) knock-off... I wish it could have been. Lots of camera work where it simply lingers too long on the actor... the (bad) dialog is done, overdone, burnt offering done... just not well done.The 'wonder' and awe is not there... even though you're led up to the wall and bashed into it at the end. I don't want to quit watching very many movies in the middle (or beginning)... but I would have, if someone else didn't insist on fast forwarding through parts to see the end. It needs to be re-edited just to hope it could be a 'B' movie... I really don't think it can be. Lionsgate included previews of other movies that you could tell were just as far off the mark for video entertainment... a line of excruciating time killers. I didn't really expect this kind of quality still existed... not in the U.S. at least?In comparison, "Sahara" is a blockbuster... at least Sahara made a professional effort... and I don't mean effects/explosions. I mean a script that could be spoken and not in silent era dramatics.Ooh, simple-minded story, ear-painful dialog... even bad fight scenes. Sorry, I'd watch "Titus", twice, before this. It's punishment.
surrealwinter2 I just watched this movie, after finding it in a video store and choosing it as my 'random' movie of the week, so to speak. I was hoping for something like The Mummy or Indiana Jones: serial adventure with an Egyptian theme, which is what the box sells the movie as. This is not entirely true, and I will tell you that when I started the film, and it had that slightly unfocused TV look and weird audio qualities, I was feeling rather...disappointed. More than once in the first two or three scenes I considered turning it off, wondering if its apparent quality and my lack of energy made it not worthwhile.I was wrong. This is a movie that rather sags at the very beginning and very end, but the middle is, in honest truth, quite good. The actress playing Diane looks and acts her part; the same goes for those portraying Rashid, Neil, Leon, Adriel, and most major characters. The costuming is *incredible*. The music, by the great Ennio Morricone, isn't his most standout score, but it's good. The setwork is also very, very impressive. And, though the movie is, yes, long at 3 hours, and, yes, there are reused shots and the like, if you let yourself enjoy it you will find an adventure film of surprising depth and plot complexity. The relationships between characters are quite touching and ably portrayed; the action scenes are old- fashioned but this fits the film. You will find yourself caring, very quickly, about most of the major characters. And you will experience some scenes of high adventure, nervous intrigue and skilled gambits, and intelligent humour. This film also succeeds in that it doesn't acknowledge that it is an adventure movie many will make fun of -- it is earnest, the actors don't seem distracted by the fact that they're acting, and, in the end, you will have watched a satisfying and engrossing story unfold. I warn you the ending is a little wonky, but it's good. If you like adventure, action, camp, serials,or archaeology, you'll like this movie. There are many more good things and a few not-so-good things I could say about this, but frankly I enjoyed it immensely and would watch it again. You like Lawrence of Arabia? Beau Geste? The French Legion? Tales from 'Arabia'? The Mummy? Indiana Jones? A little metaphysical talk on the side? Give this a try. It's sincerity and compelling story will surprise and engross you. I know it did me, to my own surprise. And, probably, you will be touched as well; emotional response is rather garanteed--some of the film can be brutal, romantic, or sad. I very much liked it, and plan on making my friends watch it with me. Decide to enjoy it, and you will, very much. It's very good.
Eve Torrez This movie was not that bad, it was all about the sweet romance between the Arab Prince and the English-man's daughter it kind of reminded me of Brook Sheilds and Lambert Wilson in 'Sahara' (which I LOVED)... The show had quite a build up, I was 'glued' to the TV just wanting to see how it would turn out and who would reach the end of the line. The ending was not what I expected, but I was somewhat satisfied with the movie overall, and have watched it two more times. I would suggest it if you are a romantic, interested in a higher being or just have about 2 hours to kill...