Top Dog
Top Dog
PG-13 | 28 April 1995 (USA)
Top Dog Trailers

With his cop companion shot and killed by terrorists, Reno The Dog pairs up with tough cop Jake in thwarting the criminal organization.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Pluskylang Great Film overall
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
callanvass (Plot) Reno's (The Dog) partner (Carmine Caridi) gets shot and killed when he decides to snoop around some terrorists. The duo is replaced by a moody cop who can't keep his house clean, and doesn't like company very much. Can Chuck get along with Reno to save everyone from the baddies?Lame jokes in the summary aside... This is it. The movie that officially knocked Chuck off of his throne; he was already beginning to show cracks with Hellbound, The Hit-man, and a couple others, but this is the one that did him in. Chuck should have known better to go the James Belushi route here. I dig Chuck for what he is, but he doesn't have the funny personality to pull this off. The movie looks and feels extremely cheap, even though it somehow managed to get a theatrical release. There isn't a whole lot of action to speak of, other than a few explosions here and there, and a rather lame shootout & chase scene at the end. It also has all the antics you would expect from this movie. The dog steals the show from under Chuck Norris, even though he's a rather unlikable little thing. The villains have no character to speak of, and are just there, so Chuck has someone to overcome. I love action movies, but this just reeked of laziness. Chuck Norris was always a bit of a risk when it came to his movies, but at least he made a few good ones. It feels like he's not even trying here. He puts on a phony tough guy act that I didn't buy for a minute, and effectively put the final nail in the coffin of his career. Final Thoughts: if you wanna see Chuck succumb his standards to James Belushi's K-9 series, then be my guest. Be prepared to wallow in misery for most of the duration, though. It's pretty awful stuff. This killed Norris's action movie career. He does some DTV films once in a while, and most recently had a glorified cameo in The Expendables II2/10
Pilsung89 The absolute main problem with this film is that it tries to blend two different kinds of movies that can't really work together. It tries to merge the typical cute and family friendly dog movie with the typical hardcore cop movie that features terrorists, shoot outs, explosions, and fights. It tries to be a family film and a hardcore action film at the same time. Can you see how this clashes? This is essentially a typical Chuck Norris project that tries to add a Beethoven element to it, and it fails horribly. The side of me that likes action movies can't enjoy the action because it's trying to be cute, and the side of me that likes family films can't enjoy because of all the violence. Sometimes you can put a lighthearted tone and a dark tone in a movie and make it work, but not when the tones differ this much.The movie does feature some decent fights by Chuck Norris, and there were a couple memorable moments, but in the end it's not worth watching unless you really want to see Chuck Norris in action.
Katy-13 The only reason to watch this video is that one of its stars is a BRIARD, one of the most friendly, intelligent, forceful, and hairy of dog breeds! They are originally a French breed, but can now be found all over Europe and the United States. Your Briard, or other breed of dog, will enjoy watching this movie too!
emm Never since ALADDIN (1986, Bud Spencer) has there been a movie on drugs designed for family audiences young and old. And what makes a "family" movie? A scrungy old mutt and a boy on a bike! There's more, too! Chuck Norris gets to have a faithful companion who can outwit and outsmart terrorist scum! It's got a mass overload of everything your kids would appreciate! Fiery explosions, handguns, criminal organizations, the Pope, and bomb threats add more to your viewer-friendly pleasure, and...... I'll stop right there! Unless you can't handle what's in store in TOP DOG, please don't pick this one up! The combination of violent action with family-based material is an outrageous atrocity one will not want to believe. It suffers miserably on originality and plot, making this your cookie-cutter actioner. Mommy won't approve this flick to Johnny and Sally, even if it is rated PG-13!