Tomahawk Trail
Tomahawk Trail
NR | 01 February 1957 (USA)
Tomahawk Trail Trailers

Led by an incompetent Lieutenant, a troop of soldiers is on the Tomahawk Trail in Apache territory. When he lets the Indians steal their horses and gets slightly wounded in a skirmish, Sergeant McCoy takes over command. McCoy sucessfully gets them to the fort only to find all the soldiers have meen murdered by the Apaches. He prepares the troops for an attack knowing if they survive the Lieutenant plans to have him court marshaled.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
bkoganbing A couple of guys who later became stars in small screen westerns, Chuck Connors and John Smith star in Tomahawk Trail about a sergeant who takes over from an inexperienced lieutenant and gets the patrol they were on back to the fort on foot.Where they find the place massacred and the Mescelero Apaches ready to come back finish them off. The only hold card they have is that they managed to capture Lisa Martell who is Chief Vittorio's daughter along with a white female companion Susan Cummings. At least one of the cavalry soldiers has his mind distracted by the women just another headache that Connors has as he awaits a court martial even if they're rescued.Humphrey Bogart in The Caine Mutiny was positively docile as Captain Queeg next to George Neise playing the lieutenant who is truly a hateful person. In fact he should have toned it down a notch, his performance was a bit too jarring. Harry Dean Stanton playing Neise's orderly makes one of his early appearances in a film. He also has to see that his lieutenant is going off the deep end, but he remains doggedly loyal.Tomahawk Trail is decent enough for western fans, but below average altogether.
ljlangham Tomawk Trail, where our hero the Sargent, Chuck Conners, must take command away from a green lieutenant who has no clue how to command an Apache outpost, the lieutenant suffers from heat exhaustion & is not capable of leading his men. The movie is predictable & low budget but is interesting because Chuck narrates the thing from time to time. I am a Chuck Conners fan, so i really enjoyed the movie myself & would recommend it to all as good family entertainment.The lieutenant threatens to court marshal our hero but takes an apache arrow through the heart at the end of movie so Chuck is off the hook & can smooch the leading lady at the end. Movie also gives Harry Dean Stanton a big part & I like anything he does, good character actor. Watch this one if you get the chance it is worth the effort. Thank you
Michael O'Keefe This is a hackneyed western with few faults. I found it more interesting than I expected. Chuck Connors plays a young Cavalry Sargent that must take over a unit led by an injured and temporarily demented Lieutenant. This action takes place in Apache territory...the boys in blue hope to find safety in a fort that has already been ravaged. Short, but action packed. Also in the cast are:John Smith, Robert Knapp, Susan Cummings and a young Harry Dean Stanton. Kind of feels like sitting in the Kiddie Matinee on Saturday morning.
bux A cavalry Sergeant pulls a "Caine Mutiny" and relieves an incompetant officer of command of a patrol in Apache territory. This otherwise routine oater is of interest mainly because it was an early vehicle for Conners. Look for a very young Harry Dean Stanton as the Lieutenant's Orderly.