Tom and Chérie
Tom and Chérie
NR | 09 September 1955 (USA)
Tom and Chérie Trailers

Mousketeer Jerry has a love letter to deliver to darling Lilli. He gives it to his young pupil, who has a hard time getting past Tom to deliver it, but he does. They send a few more letters back and forth, at great pain to the youngster.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
BA_Harrison Mouseketeer captain Jerry repeatedly orders his young protégé Nibbles to deliver love letters to his girlfriend Lilli. Waiting outside for Nibbles is the cardinal's cat Tom, who is always on the lookout for a sword-fight and continually makes Nibbles task a lot harder.How much you enjoy Tom and Chérie will depend on how much you like young mouseketeer Nibbles, for he is very much the central character in this episode. I can't abide Jerry's cutesy sidekick, so was already against this one, but I also found the repetitive gags sorely lacking and the animation not up to scratch (the backgrounds, in particular, look slapdash).The ending is the only part I enjoyed, Lilli finishing with Jerry, only for the mouse to shift his affections to another female named Marie. What a player! Naturally, Nibbles finally loses his temper, refuses to fight Tom, and stomps off into the distance. Good riddance! (unfortunately, the little mouse would return for at least a couple more adventures).
TheLittleSongbird Tom and Cherie is not the best of the "Mousketeers" cartoons, but it is very entertaining. This time, Jerry is more of a side character, and Tom is still his dastardly self. This time the true star of the show is Nibbles, who starts off running away from Tom and in the end stands up to him(I never thought he had that in him to be honest, so I was shocked, but in a pleasant way). The story is somewhat predictable and Tom's "En Gardes" can get repetitive, but for instance the animation here is absolutely wonderful with lovely colours and all the characters are drawn well. The music is a delight as well, sweet, lively and fun, while the visual gags range from amusing to hilarious. Overall, just a delightful cartoon, recommended! 9/10 Bethany Cox
Alexis (griffin84) For once, Jerry is not the spot of affection in his cartoons. Instead, we almost feel a bit of anger towards the mouse. In one of Hanna-Barbara's "Mouseketeer" cartoons, Jerry plays a captain Mouseketeer who keeps sending his young protege (Nibbles, to be exact) out with love letters to his beloved Lilli. Of course, every time Nibbles leaves the hole, he's confronted by Tom who wants to fight. This keeps up for a while, with Nibbles coming back more and more worse for wear. Finally, he delivers a letter to Jerry that says Lilli is leaving him. Jerry is heartbroken... for about two seconds, and pulls out a picture of his NEW girl-mouse. Nibbles is sent on another mission, but this time, he's had enough. "Engaurde? Engaurde? PHEW!" he spits at Tom as he walks down the lane to deliver the letter.This is one of Hanna-Barbara's better Tom & Jerry cartoons, especially since it took a break from the basic "Tom chases Jerry, Jerry fights back" style we all grew to love. An absolute favorite of mine, no doubt about it.
Robert Reynolds This is one of a series of shorts where Tom and Nibbles are "the king's Mouseketeers" with Tom as their main foil (sorry). While this is not the best of them, I personally love this one, because I have a soft spot in my heart for Nibbles (the little mouse who gets all the hazardous duty here and none of the benefits) in this one. The ending is quite appropriate here. I don't blame Nibbles one bit, either. Well worth watching. Recommended.
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