Baby Butch
Baby Butch
NR | 14 August 1954 (USA)
Baby Butch Trailers

An alley cat is foraging for food when he sees Tom's house and decides it's a rich haul. He dresses as a foundling baby and lands on the doorstep. Tom takes him in and Butch proceeds to raid the fridge between Tom's babying him. What he doesn't know is that Jerry's going to grab the ham Butch swiped every chance he gets.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
BA_Harrison Seeing that Tom has a well stocked fridge, hungry alley-cat Butch pops on a bonnet and climbs into a cot to pose as a poor hungry waif; Tom takes pity on the 'baby' and brings him into his home, but as soon as Tom's back is turned, Butch is in the fridge helping himself to a large joint of ham. Chaos ensues as Jerry also wants the ham.Boy, Tom sure is dumb in this cartoon, believing the fully grown alley-cat Butch to be a baby. If he hasn't got the smarts to see through the ruse, I say that he deserves all the trouble he gets. As far as this T&J caper goes, it's pretty standard stuff throughout, with very few really memorable gags and not nearly enough creative pain dished out to the characters (although, having said that, the scalding bath that Tom prepares for Butch looked nasty… maybe Tom had figured out what was going on after all and wanted to punish Butch with third degree burns).
Horst in Translation ( "Baby Butch" is an American cartoon from 1954, so this one is also already over 60 years old. It features the most famous cat-and-mouse duo in film history (probably): Tom & Jerry. And as in many of their other works, a third character is added for reasons to add new plot ideas. This time, it is not Jerry's cousin, who also appears frequently, but it is alley cat Butch. He is hungry and disguises himself as a baby to get "adopted" by Tom and have access to his fridge full of delicacies. But Jerry is equally interested in the food, so Tom is really busy keeping everybody from eating the delicious dishes. (That rhyme was unintended). I thought it was a funny watch and it is among the better installments of the series. They successfully managed to keep the old tradition of Tom chasing Jerry and connecting it with new ideas (everything involving butch). I liked the watch and I recommend it. Thumbs up.
TheLittleSongbird Baby Butch is a thoroughly enjoyable if not outstanding Tom and Jerry cartoon. My only real complaint was the rather predictable story, but everything else was fine. The animation and music are both great, complete with some hilarious sight gags especially the one with the large ham. The pace is furious and fast, not too fast so that the ending feels unsatisfying, because actually the ending was surprising and in a good way. Tom is a little dumb here, while Jerry is still cunning, but it is Butch who steals the show as he disguises himself as a baby to get food. Overall, outstanding no, funny yes. 8/10 Bethany Cox
ccthemovieman-1 This surprised me because with the title, I thought this was about our favorite bulldog, Butch, sometimes known as Spike, but it wasn't. Instead, "Butch" was a stray cat. (I have seen him once before in a T&J cartoon, but he didn't have a name.)Here, a homeless black cat, desperate for food, pretends he's a baby, knocks on the door and leaves the note on top of himself (while he's in a crib). The note says: "I am a poor hungry waif - feed me!" Now there's a word you didn't hear much: waif, but it was used a lot in the "old days." Anyway, this was entertaining and different from the normal Tom-chases-Jerry episode. Until the last minute, dumb Tom doesn't realize this cat isn't whom he seems (even though the cat is same size as him!.) Meanwhile, Jerry takes his lumps with the stranger in a continuing battle of a big hunk of ham.Early on, the black cat's eyes bulge way out and turn into miniature refrigerators. Have you ever noticed in how many cartoons, someone's eyes go flying out of their sockets? It's almost always funny and it's amazing how many different gags they can do with that one "special effect."
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