Tokyo Trash Baby
Tokyo Trash Baby
NR | 07 October 2000 (USA)
Tokyo Trash Baby Trailers

Miyuki doesn't need to stalk the man she's crazy about, because he lives one floor down. Rather then approach him, she digs through his trash.

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
missraze First of all I am quite sentimental about this film because its ending credit theme song "Sa Iko/Let's Go" introduced me to Wyolica, the singer of the uplifting record! The song is one of my favourites, not even just a fave of Japanese songs. But a favourite on my general list. I recommend the song at least. It was a gem of a gift after sitting through this film, which isn't bad at all actually; I've downloaded and just may watch again right now.Anyway it's about a seemingly 20-something woman who crushes on her neighbour, a struggling bohemian type rocker, a nearby casanova she mysteriously lusts after. Well obviously she's shy. He is a regular at the shop where she works and she doesn't speak. He walks by her going upstairs or down the veranda, says hi apathetically, and she doesn't speak. She does however go through his trash. I am relieved I find this gross because I do find little harm in a little stalking lol But I also understand the trash thing. The ending scene where she finally trashes his trash as Wyolica starts singing about doing just that and basically enjoying life, don't get down about failures, and sa iko/let's go. Made me cry. I too am a heartbroken 20-something who even had my horoscope tell me to throw away my ex's photo, don't hold onto items he owns, and MOVE ON!Anyway the film was very nice to watch, the actress is adorable but her acting, at least in this film: only one thing annoyed me and that was the tearless gasping sob toward the end of the film. Maybe if tears came down and it didn't look like she was mocking having to cry I would've tolerated it. However I understand perfectly well why the character would want to cry, I just didn't like the actress's crying. The film was quiet, in that serious way indie films will be, particularly Japanese films, which are sometimes confused/accused for being tedious. People might be used to having plots spoonfed to them, and don't want to sit through long scenes without dialogue. I however fancy the impressionistic style of silently following the character for long stretches of time. Most of the film honestly is her digging through trash and making the shrine in her room, reading his mail to herself, trying on his old clothes, being bored at work, being alone at night, however that serves its purpose. It's about a lonely part time worker who obsesses over a no-good guy by looking through his trash. It could've been more lively but the mood is also quite lonely and stolid as the character is, so. It'll have long scenes of her just eating something, reading something, running, swinging in a playground, crying, etc. I like it though.
acerk21 When describing Tokyo Trash Baby, the words "weird", "gross" and "disturbing" come to mind. There are definitely a few problems with this film....For one, the English subtitles are horrendous containing many grammatical errors and misspelled words which get a little annoying after a while. Second, there are a few long and meaningless shots that go on forever and serve no purpose other than to suggest that the movie is more artistic than it really is. And lastly, the whole production of the film had that cheap quality to it mainly because of the low budget camera they were using. With all that said, I still really enjoyed this movie. I was engrossed the whole time watching it and for some odd reason, really started to care about the main character towards the end of the film. Also noteworthy is the strange music and the eerie mood that was established throughout. I know that the majority will absolutely loathe Tokyo Trash Baby, but if you're a little peculiar yourself and have the patience, then this movie is certainly recommended.
heikidesu A slow paced but enchanting movie... like Cafe Lumiere, it has some great shots of modern Tokyo and an even more realistic feel. However, I, for one, would probably not have watched an identical movie set in New York, for me much of the fun is in the Tokyo setting.I have added it to the list of 10 or so Japanese/Japan-related movies that I recommend to friends.* A simple story, based on a young Tokyo woman who is obsessed with the man who lives above her in their apartment house, and sorts almost religiously through his trash. Eventually she schemes to run into him in real life and, maybe, the collision between dreams and reality sets her off on a different course. (Not much of a spoiler, but better safe than sorry).The subtitles I saw seemed a bit weak in spots and it was a shame that they didn't translate Yume no Shima**... the place where the main action of the movie ends... kind of stops from completing the loop of the story.The Netflix disc that I saw also had an interesting biography of the director's previous work. The other review on this site says that the movie seems a bit amateurish, but this information makes it clear he's earned his chops.* let's see: Stray DogCafe Lumiere Mr. Baseball Walk Don't Run Bounce KO Gals Tony Takitani Tokyo Monogatari TenKouSei (Changing Schools... I haven't seen a translated version) Always San Choume no Yuuhi (Always 3rd Precinct Evening Sun) Stupeur et Tremblements (Fear and Trembling)** Dream Island (might also be construed as a spoiler)
raymond-15 I have to believe that people like Miyuki actually exist, because I knew a guy who did exactly the same thing though for a different purpose. He rummaged through waste paper baskets, garbage bags and incinerators in the hope of finding secret and useful information about the activities taking place in a competing company. A private spy, you might say.In this film a waitress called Miyuki wants to find out more about Yoshinori a young musician who lives in the apartment above hers so she sifts through his discarded garbage bags in the hope of finding some clues about his private life. Outside her working hours she seems to spend all her time seated on the floor poring over torn letters and photos, cigarette butts and empty packets,a musical score, rotten fruit and even a used condom. Frustrated Miyuki has the disgusting habit of diving her hand into a packet of biscuits while dissecting the contents of the garbage bags. So much for hygiene!Entertaining for the first ten minutes, it starts to get very boring because the pace is slow and for me there is nothing of interest amongst the garbage any way. The young actress is good and she really gets inside and maintains the character of a discontented girl with an unfulfilled passionate crush on the guy upstairs. Now and again a new discovery in the trash gives the story a bit of a lift. For example, her single-mindedness encourages her to seek out the address of a girl which she finds on a torn letter. Not what I call great drama.Not exciting enough for me. Warning: Don't waste your precious time!