Together Again
Together Again
| 23 December 1944 (USA)
Together Again Trailers

Anne Crandall is the mayor of a small town in Vermont. Her deceased husband had been the mayor for years and when he died, she was left to carry on and to raise his daughter from his first marriage. She lives with the daughter, her father-in-law and a housekeeper. In the town square, there was a statue of her late husband and every year since his death, they have an anniversary celebration there. This year during a thunderstorm, the statue is hit by lightning and the head falls off. The daughter insists that a new statue be erected instead of patching the old one. Mayor Crandall is sent to New York to interview the prospective sculptor, George Corday.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
MartinHafer Yes, I know it was hyperbole saying that Satan made her hat, but I kept thinking only someone very evil could create such an ugly and god-awful hat. Yet, oddly, she bought it to make herself more attractive. This was a miserable failure! As for the film, Irene Dunne plays a very emotionally constricted widow who is the mayor of a small town. Since her husband's death, her life has been her job and her father-in-law (the wonderful Charles Coburn) wants her to live a little--date and have some fun. But she is a seemingly hopeless case and carries her husband's memory around like an albatross around her neck. By chance, she has a meeting with an artist (Charles Boyer). Boyer is a French romantic and she is obviously bothered by him. Very crazy things ensue and the ultimate result is pretty predictable but fun. Not a great film but a fun one.While the film was silly and enjoyable, one problem with it was the annoying character played by Mona Freeman. She was one-dimensional and impossible to believe as a real human being and the first 10 minutes she was in were the worst. Fortunately, she was just a supporting character--and a badly written one. But, on the other hand, Charles Coburn played a most delightful character--full of wonderful quips and easy to love. He made a career out of playing sweet manipulative guys like this (such as in his Oscar-winning performance in "The More The Merrier") as well as gruff old goats. I make it a point to see him in everything and I am never disappointed! He managed to breath some life into this otherwise ordinary film.By the way, in the elevator scene, look at the elevator operator. That's Alfalfa Switzer--of the Li'l Rascals fame. Also by the way, if the plot from this movie seems familiar, it was later re-worked on an episode of "I Love Lucy"!
slothropgr I was a bigger fan of "The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer" before I saw this little gem. "Bachelor's" Oscar should've been for Best Adapted Screenplay, not Best Original. Shows what a short memory Hollywood had even back then, since only 4 years separated the two. Item: Irene Dunne plays a single small town mayor (very well) while Myrna Loy in "Bachelor" plays a single judge. Item: Charles Boyer plays an astonishingly well dressed artist (sculptor) while Cary Grant also plays an astonishingly well dressed artist (painter). Item: both involve faux romances between the artist and a precocious willful girl much too young for him--Dunne's daughter in "Together", Loy's sister in "Bachelor." Both have meddlesome older relatives who push the reluctant lovers together--Chas. Coburn here, Ray Collins there. Dunne and Boyer don't have the chemistry here that they had in "Love Affair" (a huge hit 5 years before and the very circumstantial reason for the title, which has no relation ay-tall with the story) but they get along believably. Dunne gets put through some fairly humorous paces that play off well against her upright public image. It's almost as much a Hollywood satire on small town life (like its DVD-mate "Theodora Goes Wild" also with Dunne) as a romance, with less snickering at the narrow-minded rural bumpkins than most (including "Theodora").
drednm Fun teaming of Dunne and Boyer in a nice little comedy with good performances by all.Dunne plays a widow who is mayor of a small Vermont town. She goes off to New York City to interview a sculptor (Boyer) for a town project but gets involved in a nightclub raid after she is mistaken for the stripper. Back in Vermont Dunne tries to forget Boyer but he shows up and moves into her garage to sculpt.Dunne is goaded into "life" again by her father-in-law (Charles Coburn) and dramatic teen step-daughter (Mona Freeman). This get funny when Freeman thinks Boyer has proposed to her. To get even Dunne traps gawky teen (Jerome Courtland) into proposing to her. The four spar back and forth with Coburn get more and more confused until things finally straighten out.Good support from Elizabeth Patterson, Charles Dingle, Janis Carter, Adele Jergens, Carl Switzer, Nora Cecil, Nina Mae McKinney, and Hobart Cavanaugh. Shelley Winters has a bit part.Dunne and Boyer had great chemistry and three made films together.
Sheila_Beers I saw this film a long time ago, and I wish it were on television more often. According to another reviewer, it is not yet available on DVD, and I wish it were.The film stars Irene Dunne as the widow of a small town mayor, and she hires a famous sculptor, portrayed by Charles Boyer, to sculpt a statue of her late "sainted" husband. After some hesitation on the part of Dunne, a romance follows, along with family predicaments that complicate the plot and create the comedy in the film. Throughout the film the tango number, "I Get Ideas," adds to the romantic atmosphere as widow Dunne finds she can love again.The ending contains an unexpected comedic happening, and the viewer is left to imagine the outcome of plot. This film is one I would recommend to anyone who likes romantic films and "chick" flicks.