Tjoet Nja' Dhien
Tjoet Nja' Dhien
| 01 October 1988 (USA)
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Set in 1896, "Tjoet Nja' Dhien" celebrates one of Indonesia's great heroes who fought for independence from the Dutch. The pious Muslim people of Aceh, a city that had flourished since ancient times as a trade port, enter into a fierce war with the Dutch. Tjoet Nja' Dhien, the widow of a rebel leader operating in Aceh in Sumatra, assumes the leadership when her husband Teuku Uma is killed in an ambush. Dhien's charismatic presence and power of survival motivate the locals to join and later continue their opposition to the Dutch. Despite personal obstacles, she remained in the thick of the struggle for ten years.

TeenzTen An action-packed slog
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Micah Lloyd Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.
danielcarol7 Do you think taking picture after massacring people is satanic? I think all good people would think that way too. And this was the fact, the photographs are well documented. If you happened to read some Aceh-dutch war books you would find those pictures among photographs depicting Aceh-dutch war. I have read some in Bahasa and those pictures are real. It was terrible. It was Van Daalen's war style. I even wonder if the word 'vandalism' derived from his way of war in Aceh. You could imagine what Dutch had done during more than 300 years of Dutch colonialism through out the country. It was written in history that when Aceh was still independent with its own sultanate, the people population was recorded about 9 million people. When Indonesia got its independence, the population of Aceh remained about 4 millions only.That's it. It was terrible and satanic but it was the fact.
Rudy Wowor In the Tjoet Nya Dhien film we see indeed a scene where Dutch soldiers pose amidst a large number of dead bodies that were slaughtered by these soldiers. A reader in Australia comments about this scene and wonders whether that scene was just fantasy. The scene was set more or less exactly as shown in a photo that was made by Dutch soldiers after they had slaughtered these villagers. The photo has appeared in many magazines and became the subject of intense debates at the Dutch government in these days. I have seen the photo and beside that I was involved in the preparation of the movie, first to write the Dutch dialogs, then did the casting for those actors who would play a Dutch role. And after that I played myself in the movie, not as Snouck Hurgronje but as Captain VELTMAN, who was the man who "captured" Tjoet Nya.
king_vsjn This is a legendary movie which I expected so much before I had a chance to watch it. When I saw it, I felt so disappointed.The picture was good. The acting of the actors and actress was superb. The story itself was also good. The problem was the battle scene. It was really disappointed. I also felt disgusted when I saw the scene after Tjoet Nja' Dhien's victory. I didn't think what Tjoet Nja' Dhien did (in the movie) was appropriate for a Muslim warrior.The movie was obviously contain propaganda. There were attempt of viewing Dutch soldier as incarnation of Satan by doing something immoral (taking picture over the body of the defeated Acehnese... C'mon, Did they really do such horrible things? There should be a picture if those event was really happened ).This movie was just a good movie just because some people say it was good.
nugrohoed This is great Film from Director Eros Djaros, his first and last Film. Best photography by George Kamarullah who shoot excotic Jungle panorama of Aceh at Sumatra island. Best Music Score by Idris Sardi. Tjoet Nja' Dhien is great epic from Aceh. Strong woman who fight at 1887-1910 to stop collonialisme of Nederland in Aceh. In the end of her struggle, she is betrayed by her chief army (Panglima Laot). She is arrested by Nederland in the old, sick, and blind condition. To avoid and stop any struggle from her followers, Nederland moved place where she is arrested to Sumedang West Java. She was died and burried in Sumedang.