Tit for Tat
Tit for Tat
NR | 05 January 1935 (USA)
Tit for Tat Trailers

Stan and Ollie have set up their own electrical appliance store but, unfortunately for them, the grocery right next door is run by the man and wife whom they encountered in "Them Thar Hills" (1935). Stan and Ollie go and visit to offer the hand of friendship, but the grocer again becomes convinced that Ollie and his wife are fooling around.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Lee Eisenberg Over the past year or two I've been making an effort to see as many Academy Award-nominated titles as possible. The latest is Laurel & Hardy's "Tit for Tat", a sequel to "Them Thar Hills". In this case, they've opened an electrical repair shop next door to the husband and wife whom they antagonized in the previous outing, and a misunderstanding causes back-and-forth revenge. Stan and Ollie do their usual stuff, unaware that there's a shoplifter about.It's so simple but so hilarious. Just goes to show why L&H were probably the greatest comedy duo ever.
Neil Doyle For fans of Laurel and Hardy, this is a classic short. Others might be less impressed by this war of destruction between the pair and their next-door neighbor, Charlie Hall. It's all based on childish insults that cross the line when they start tearing up each other's stores.It's simple and direct physical comedy in the best tradition of L&H and their slapstick brand of comedy. A running gag has someone pilfering their store whenever they go next-door to wreck havoc on their neighbor. Naturally, they never notice a thing, even when he loads all their wares in a truck by the curb.Mae Busch is the wife about whom Charlie Hall becomes jealous. When Oliver gets tossed onto their window ledge by one of Laurel's gaffes, he's helped inside the woman's bedroom by the woman herself. Coming down the stairs, he utters a line that clearly got by the censors: "I've never been in that position before!" Any wonder the husband goes into a jealous rage? Funny stuff, tailor-made and simple story that provides plenty of slapstick moments you won't forget.
Michael_Elliott Tit for Tat (1935) *** (out of 4) Sequel to Them Thar Hills has L&H opening an electronics store next to a grocery store owned by the man they had the run in with in the previous film. This one here works a lot better for laughs even though the film is pretty straight forward with childish gags where the group destroys the others store.Perfect Day (1929) *** (out of 4) Laurel, Hardy and their families are going on a picnic but various events stand in their way. Another wonderfully funny short features many great gags including the car breaking down and the best moments involving the uncle's bad foot.
Boba_Fett1138 This movie perfectly shows the reasons why I like Laurel & Hardy pictures so much. It has got a great silly story, well timing and some great comical moments, all perfectly executed by the characters.The story is very, very simple but it works oh so well and is oh so strong. Basically the movie is about Stan and Olie, who just opened an electrical repair store, having a small war with their neighbor the grocer. Basically the movie is about the two parties taking constantly revenge on the other, in a comical hilarious way. This movie is a direct (and the only) sequel to a previous Laurel & Hardy movie, namely; "Them Thar Hills". The returning joke of the costumer who robs the store every time Laurel & Hardy went away is absolutely hilarious.The simple story of the movie is extremely well executed and makes this movie one of the most enjoyable Laurel & Hardy shorts.8/10http://bobafett1138.blogspot.com/