NR | 10 March 1987 (USA)
Timestalkers Trailers

History professor Scott McKenzie makes an anachronistic discovery in a photograph from the Old West and he is soon joined by beautiful time-traveler Georgia in a time-skipping adventure to stop her colleague from the future from erasing her from existence.

Executscan Expected more
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
rp_roger So you have the ability to travel in time but you don't go back and stop your friends murder? He knew the General was going to be killed and he was his friend but he did nothing to stop it or go back in time to change it. What kind of friend was that? If he was a friend why did'nt he stop it? Or at least go back in time to stop it?
A_Different_Drummer I have scrupulously checked out all the net "lists" of time travel movies and I believe I have seen over 95% of all the listed films, which ain't bad. I have seen TIMESTALKERS twice, no mean feat considering how hard it is to find a copy. It is my favourite. Why? Well let's start with the weaknesses. It has a "made for TV" feel, clearly some budget limitations, no major stars aside from deVane, and relies on a heavy-handed plot device -- the near-magical appearance of a beautiful woman (Hutton) from, of all places, the future. (As if we don't enough beautiful woman in the past and present, and we need to borrow some more from the future...?) I have written a lot of reviews for IMDb and usually at this juncture I would usually be explaining how the producer should consider another career, or deVane's agent must have been desperate when he signed for this...? But, no. This is, oddly, my favourite time travel film and I will try to explain why. Leaving aside the production standards, leaving aside the aforementioned bizarre plot device, I was hooked by the core story of a man who loses his wife and tries to carry on, as best he can, without her. But never for one moment does he forget or ignore his loss. To keep busy, he even takes up a strange hobby -- practising his "fast draw" with an old replica western revolver. And there you have it. In spite of all the negatives, those two specific plot arcs, and the way the writer ultimately resolves them both, captured my fancy and moves this to the top of my list. Klaus Kinski was a strange casting choice. An actor who never, even once, managed to speak English without an accent, he wandered through the 70s and 80s basically playing bad guys. But again, this is not about Kinski. This is about the way the writer resolves this story and frankly it is the best resolution I have ever seen. No more spoilers. You are on your own, and best of luck to you, if you can find a copy!
lost-in-limbo Time travelling with a gun slinging Klaus Kinski and western memorabilia nut William Devane? I won't have it any other way. "Timestalkers" is a playfully modest little made-for-TV production that's full of warmth and covers an interestingly ambitious concept.The story follows Professor Scott McKenzie (William Devane), an old western memorabilia collector discovers in a photograph from 1866 a 20th century .357 Magnum revolver in the hands of a cowboy (Klaus Kinski). Scott soon starts questioning the possibility of time-travel and writes a paper on it. Then strangely a lady appears who claims that she believes him and he soon discovers that she's a time-traveller too. She wants him help her find out why this time-traveller has gone back to the old-west and eventually stop him from changing the face of history.Early on the plot moves back and forth between the past and present. Some of the items that Devane's character looks at or purchases at an auction have a history that involves the magnum-toting gunman. Some foreseeable plot-holes creep in, but it's inventively told and works well with its collective gimmicks. The chintzy special effects create some charm, and so does the cheesy igniting sparks cutaways. The uncanny music is whimsically scored. There's a nice sense of humour in the script. Devane gives a winning performance and Kinski's glazed turn offers that venomously cold tinge. Lauren Hutton is fetchingly palatable. John Ratzenburger and Forest Tucker pop in with fun support parts. It looks cheap, but it's actually better than its limitations allow it to be. A smart, enjoyably harmless sci-fi yarn.
goldfinger2a-2 "Timestalkers" is without doubt the very best of all time travel films, it`s well acted, and directed, and it is not spoilt by OTT special effects. Bill Devane is great in the lead role, and it`s nice to see Klaus Kinski in a more commercial type role. The basic plot centres around an old trunk and it`s contents picked up at a car boot sale (garage sale in the US), a photo revels in the distance a man with a very modern gun, and so our journey starts, and it`s edge of the seat stuff all the way.... See it if you can. Score: 10/10