Time Trackers
Time Trackers
PG | 01 May 1989 (USA)
Time Trackers Trailers

When an evil scientist steals his colleague's time machine his colleague's beautiful, brilliant daughter, aided by an L.A. cop and a hapless admirer, pursues him back to twelfth century England where - disguised as a damsel in distress - she enlists the help of a knight errant whose secret past holds the key to her future.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
HeadlinesExotic Boring
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Enrique Sanchez OK this was not a big production...but heck, it was fun to watch. The ideas of time travel are all engraved into our brains. The ins and outs and the possibilities and the paradoxes.This movie handled it well...and it did NOT take itself seriously it even had a comic touches, though slight enough not to be painful...just enjoyable.Sure, many things could have been done - with a budget. And even with this qualm, the result had nuances and a good storyline that did not cause half the population to tear down the plausibility factor in the time continuum that is usually laid down as the test in these types of movies.I thought the ensemble was good and there were few clichés that stuck out in my mind. Those who would say this is a bad movie or a B-movie are missing out on one thing which I repeat: FUN.This movie was fun and it was fun to watch it unfold. Even with the predictability of the whole thing, at least we weren't asked to challenge our understanding of science fiction and the time travel genre.
Moviefanguy I guess it was worth the $2.00. My 11 year old will probably enjoy it. The basic premise, an evil scientist steals the first time machine to erase the existence of all others responsible for it to take full credit, is a good one. This basically good premise suffers from cheap sets, cheap costumes, and silly dialog. Good actors like Ned Beatty and Lee Bergere end up being wasted. The whole affair comes off like an episode of Wishbone performed by Monty Python. In fact, I believe that Wil Shriner wears some of Wishbone's old wardrobe at some point. If someone with a budget and some imagination got a hold of the script it could be a decent movie. Are there any takers out there? This could be made into a good independent film.
Anna Banana This movie is a cringe-fest of bad acting and poor set design as well as tacky lines and a lame plot. But it is so much fun to watch. Everything about it is hilarious.The basic plot is a group of scientists from the future travel back in time to capture their evil co-worker who is intent on destroying them all. They catch up with him in the year 1146. The 'futuristic' lab of the scientists from the year 2033 is an eighties-style room with a bunch of 'futuristic' flashing buttons and a time capsule that looks like a lawn shed. The actors deliver their lines with unenthusiastic aplomb, which isn't hard to understand considering that the lines are usually earth-shakers like " I double-checked everything twice!" He double checked everything twice? He checked it four times? Not only that, but they feed you the entire premise of the movie in the first five minutes, and continue at a rapid fire pace until they hit the medieval part. When Roger Corman ran out of money. And had to stop travelling through time and consequently different sets. The medieval set is a comic mish-mash of anything from the late 10th century to the 16th century. Any costume they could find, they used. I guess chain mail wasn't on the budget, 'cause the guys all wear sequined shirts masquerading as armor. The fight scenes are laughable, with men casually throwing themselves onto cardboard swords with abandon and dying in death throws with nary a blow cast.It sounds truly awful, but I enjoy it every time I watch it. The lines alone are enough to have you in fits and everything else pulls together to create a fabulous B-movie that, if you are a connoisseur of corny flicks, I would suggest you see. And once you have, read the review on Unknown Movies. I love hearing them point out all the funny, truly awful bits in the movie.
DonnaJo For anyone looking for some unintentional humor, this movie would not be a bad choice. The premise itself is pretty interesting: in the future, scientists are battling for control of the planet and one of them goes into the past to kill off his rivals. It could have benefitted from a better script and a bigger budget. The sets were very fake-looking and the costumes looked like something out of a high shcool production. One of the funnier moments actually comes when Shriner goes to open a door and almost knocks it down. The design team also apparently had some trouble finding up-to-date cars for the present-day New York sequence. The whole production had a 1980s air about it, typified by the brightly-colored tie-dyes that the cast dons at one point. The movie is actually a lot funnier in hindsight. Back when I saw it, I was disappointed and embarrassed for the filmmakers. Knowing who Roger Corman is actually makes me smile when I think of it.